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(Four years AGO.)

This party was packed full of students. Everyone jwasn drinking, dancing or making out, it was a full on party alright. The air filled with alcohol and body sweat from all the dancing and I could undeniably say I was one of those people, on the dance floor, drunk out of my mind but the fun was great.

"Y/n! Come play this game with us? We're playing truth or dare!"

My friend Mia shouted over to me waving like a crazy person to get my attention while I was happily dancing the night away. I laughed at her and shook my head, I dint want to play any games, I wanted to dance my ass off. Her face dropped into a frown but then quickly picked up into another smile.

In a split second later, I was swept up into someone's arms and the next thing I knew I was hanging over someone's shoulder as they walked through the crowed people and over to Mia, laughing so hard. The position did not help the heavy sensation in my mind from the alcohol and my blurred vision made it harder to see who it was but I could smell them though, and he smelled delicious as always. I could smell this guy anytime anywhere and that's fact, he's a bestie.

"Hobi! I'm suppose to be your friend!"

"I am your friend but it's time to play a game!" Hobi

He laughed at me as he continued to walk with me on his shoulder, I have no idea where we're going but all I could do in my drunk mind was pout like a child. A few moments later we entered a room of some sorts with much brighter lightening. I had to squint my eyes to the light as Hobi came to a stop and gently placed me to sit up on something comfy that had to be a sofa.

"Y/n you're playing with us and that's final!" Mia

I groan and roll my eyes at her, pushing myself to sit up a little more. Hobi sat next to me on the other side while Mia sat across from me on the floor with a coffee table in the middle.

"Fine! Who's all playing anyway?"

I take a look around the room, to what I found surprised me. I'm not friends with any of these people other than Mia, Hobi and another girl Jennie. Everyone else are all from different cliques in school so to see us all sitting here in one big circle surprised me but instead of showing it I giggled and laid my head onto Hobi's shoulder.

"Well this is an odd bunch."

I giggled to myself but I didn't mean for it to come out, it slipped.

"What do you mean?"

The Student body president spoke.

"Well Namjoon, if you must know, we're all from different groups at school so this is a little weird and none of us would be caught dead talking to one another at school.

"Wow, at least she's honest."

Jimin the team captain of the school's soccer team spoke this time. I know of him a little, he's friends with Hobi but I don't really speak to him.

"She's drunk too."

This time the school's loner decided to speak up for the first time, Yoongi. My eyes grew twice the size to hear his voice for the first time since we all started high school together.

"HE spoke!! Did anyone else here that?!"

I leaned forward using Hobi's knee to stop myself from face planting the floor. Yoongi stared wide eyed back me but then replaced a small smile on his face. He was quite good looking when he smiled, all dark and mysterious.

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