Chapter 14

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I've got to say the date with Jungkook has been lovely. One of the best I've been on ever. It's got nothing to do with where we went for dinner which was to a very fancy restaurant it's more how he's acted towards me, very polite and gentleman like. But he's always like that but because it's on a date it sticks out more.

I was very nervous about this and even coming to a thought that he was a possibility that he could be Jihyun's father scared me. But I couldn't think someone like him would do something like that to me, or anyone for that matter, he's too nice. Besides everything I decided to push all the thoughts away for now and enjoy the night but when Jungkook took me to a hotel after the meal I grew anxious and scared as to why, especially when he grabbed a room key from the front desk while I debated on running away.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think." Jungkook

He grabbed my arm gently and guided me to the elevator while smiling at me to reassure me everything's okay. I don't know it I should at this point, why would we be going to a hotel room?

He pressed a button and the doors closed until a few quiet moments later the doors reopened and again Jungkook guided me out and walked me down the hall until we came to a stop in front of one of the doors. He unlocked the door using the card key pad and pushed the door open with his hand to then gesture me to go in with his smile never fading.

"Ladies first." Jungkook

"Thank you."

I whispered to him and slowly walked in for him to follow me in and close the door behind. I felt totally uneasy just walking in and past the bathroom to where the bed was but what was beyond the location of the bed and to the balcony was what caught my attention.

Just on the balcony was lights hanging from the rails and up the wall and to the window of the room, lighting up the spot to reveal some cushions and a padded area laid out with some wine and candle light. One the side was my favourite flowers.

I walked up closer to the setting and I could hear Jungkooks footsteps follow me.

"Jungkook, this is beautiful. Is this for us?"

I looked back at him and he nodded.

"Yes, I set it myself before I picked you up. I had a member of staff light the candles though just before we walked into the lobby." Jungkook

"How did you do that?"

"I texted the front desk. I do a lot of business here for this hotel and they owed me a favour. It's nothing much I just thought you'd like to spend at least one night relaxing, watching the stars." Jungkook

I noticed how he gulped while he nervously watched me pick up the flowers.

"It's all really nice, thank you. These are my favourite."

I smelled the flowers with the tip of the petal brushing past my nose.

"I know." Jungkook

I looked at him , puzzled.

"How did you know?"

"Oh, Hoseok told me. I asked him what type of flowers you like and he said you like those, so I got them for you." Jungkook

He walked through the door and took a seat on the padded area and tapped the space next to him.

"Come sit down." Jungkook

I was hesitant and placed the flowers back down. I didn't want to come across as rude but with the things going on in my mind, I'm not too sure.

"It's fine I'm not going to do anything bad. Let's just talking about stuff, anything you want. I won't even touch you." Jungkook

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