Chapter 50

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I flutter open my eyes to a bright room and something quite surprisingly comfy underneath my body as I'm laying down.

Once my eyes were fully open I look up at the ceiling to see a plain white ceiling with a light blue light shade with white patterns.

I have no idea where I was and I was slightly confused at first until the memory of two guys coming out of a van and putting me to sleep came flooding back in memory. I gasped and sat up quickly to look around the room.

Clearly it was a bedroom I was in. Plain white walls, no windows and only the bed, two bed side tables and a desk with a chair were in the bedroom with me. It was quite bare looking but it could be worse. I have no idea where I was or who would want to take me.

So I stood up from the bed to walk to the door but only stopped in my tracks when the door handle started to move and soon enough opened and I stepped back to sit on the edge of the bed to see who this person was.

Stepping inside I first noticed the pair of black high heel shoes then travelling up the way did I notice it was a woman who walks in with a straight face and blonde hair tied up in a messy bun, closing the door behind her to walk up to me but stop inches away from where I sat on the bed.

I didn't recognise her at first until I studied her blank face and that's when I realised it's Kim Yeri. The girl that drugged Jungkook at the house party four years ago.


She tilts her head to the side and crosses her arms over her chest, as she raises a brow.

"So you do remember me?" Yeri

"Yes, I do. you drugged Jungkook at the party."

I stated and she finally breaks a smile but only a little amused one that I already didn't like.

"I did do that didn't I? Well you should thank me for that because if I didn't do that I guess you wouldn't have you little boy now would you?" Yeri

I stood up from the bed at the mention of my son. She may not have said his name but that fact she was referring to him boiled my blood. She has no right to be speaking about him.

"Don't you dare talk about Jihyun!!"

Her eyes lit up and she pushes me back down to sit on the bed with a shove to my chest.

"Calm down now. I don't hurt children. I could never so you don't have to worry about that Y/n, that's just too low even for me. But thank you for telling me his name. I didn't have a clue except for my brother. He knows a lot more than I do about all this. Well, he use to know." Yeri

I frowned up at her when she looks down at the floor sadly and walks around the bed to stop at the bottom while I watch her every move. I don't trust this woman so god knows what she's gonna do, I don't even fully know what she's doing here in the first place.

"What are you talking about? Use to know, he would still know."

She shakes her head and lifts up her head to glare at me with dark eyes that suddenly makes me worried and nervous all at the same time.

"No, he doesn't because he's dead. Jungkook did a big mistake and must suffer the consequences of his actions." Yeri

Is she implying what I think she is?

"Are you trying to tell me that Jungkook killed Jaehyun?"


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