Chapter 47

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I groan to the sound of what sounds like my phone. Rolling over I found myself pushed up against someone's chest who wraps their arm around me keeping me close to share our body heat under the comfy sheets.


I sighed frustratedly and roll over to the other side again and searched for my phone on the bed side table all with my eyes closed.

Behind me I felt the bed move and he came closer to snuggle into my back with a content hum in my ear.

I opened my eyes sleepily to accept the call.

"Where the hell have you been?!"

My eyes widen when I heard Jennie voice shouting in the other end.


"What happened to you last night?! No one have heard from either one of you! Are you alright? Everyone's worried!" Jennie

Jungkook groans in my ear.

"Tell her about her car." Jungkook

He mumbles close by the phone. I heard Jennie gasp in shock and I squeezed my eyes shut because I was clearly caught.

"I think someone got lucky last night." Yoongi

I heard him laugh through the phone. She must have me on loud speaker or something for him to be able to hear us.

"Y/n is Jungkook in your bed?" Jennie

She whispers only meaning that Jihyun must be close around.

"Just tell her there's no point in hiding it." Jungkook

He pushes himself up to kiss my cheek and roll off to the other side of the bed and walk off to the bathroom completely naked. I couldn't help but watch his bare ass until I heard jennies voice again.

"Y/n?!" Jennie

She whisper yells and I chuckle.

"Yes Jungkook and I shared a bed last night but we've done it before. So no worries."

"Yeah but I think you two had rumpy pumpy last night!" Yoongi

There was a slap noice from their side of the call and yoongis loud yelp.

"Stop it there is a child in the next room!" Jennie

"What's rumpy pumpy? I want to play!" Jihyun

My eyes widen and I sat up in panic when I heard my sons voice suddenly appear.

"Nothing it's an adult game." Yoongi

"Yoongi shush it! Jihyun it's really nothing okay? Would you like to say hi to mommy?" Jennie

I exhaled one relief when I heard Jihyun cheer and there was muffled movements before I heard Jihyun speak.

"Mommy!! Where are you? I miss you!" Jihyun

"Aw I miss you too. I'll be home later today okay? The weather was pretty bad last night and Jungkook drove his car off the road."

I heard his cute gasp on the line just as Jungkook walks back out the bathroom still naked and smirks.

"That's not good Mommy! You okay? Kookie okay?" Jihyun

"Love the view." Jungkook

I bite my lip to stop my laughter and picked up a pillow throwing it at him and pulling up the sheets to cover my nakedness.

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