Chapter 57

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I've been waiting for this moment all my life.

To stare the devil himself in the face was overwhelming but I was here to take back what was mine and do anything necessary to get what belongs to me back. Y/n. That's all I want but if I so much as see my father I wont hold back and I will kill him one way or another. I know him too well to know he'll just try again.

He'll get locked up but then freed again and just repeat it all again.

But not this time.

I'll put him down like a dog if I have to and I know I will but I don't care. I'll enjoy it.

We stuck to the plan of Jimin and Namjoon staying at home with Jihyun and the girls. Then there was Jin and Hoseok that entered the house with Yeri but the plan was for Yeri to go get Y/n and meet them in the dining room. That left myself with Taehyung and Yoongi.

We charged in first and not to my surprise my dad had men roaming the house already after we purposely set off the alarm so Yeri could sneak in Jin and Hoseok to find Y/n. I had a loaded gun and so did Yoongi and Taehyung. We're no strangers to this kind of situation as all our fathers brought us up to do these kinds of things. It's just my father was more hard with his discipline and training techniques.

The whole getting into the house was crazy but I found it quite fun. You could say that the insane part of me enjoyed it a lot. To see the life drain from their eyes but just indescribable, but I have to remind myself who I am and that is that I'm not my father. If I enjoy it too much I'm afraid I might just slip down to the dark side of myself and I don't need that. None of us need that but the moment Yoongi noticed the smile on my face taking lives of others as their eyes rolled to the back of their heads with every shot to the chest of head since I have great aim, Yoongi would give me a look that I know too well. A look as if to tell me to calm down and I listen to that.

Our plan was to all meet up in the dining room with Yeri, Jin and Hoseok after taking down so many men but a lot more came from the dining room which made me extremely concerned. Everyone was suppose to meet us in there, what happened to them?

I hope Yeri didn't fuck us over or I swear she'll be next on my kill list just like her brother.

I took over around the corner as did Yoongi but Taehyung ran off ahead down the corridor probably looking for another way round the dining room since Yeri also got the floor plans for the house that I studied hard but Taehyung has a greater memory than myself so I would trust him to know this place like the back of his hand.

After what felt like seconds and many bullets. Yoongi and I just gave each other a worried glance but also we were still on alert in case there were more in the dining room. I went first, but signalling Yoongi to stay here to keep an look out. He just nods and I proceeded to the dining room, stepping over the broken glass and men on the floor, dodging what I can until I find the devil standing in the middle of the room.

I know those dark eyes anywhere that stare back at me laughing sadistically in his own amusement to see me standing in front of him like this.

"You made a big mistake, father."

My father stands there with his gun in hand but keeps it my his side. I scan his body all over to see that is all he seems to have on him for the time being so I lowered my own but not by much but only pointed towards what would be his feet. I don't trust this man so I'm well prepared.

"You look good son. It's good to see you again, how long has it been?" Dad

I scrunched up my face in disgust. I hate how casual he is acting right now and all I can think about is where Y/n is. She's suppose to be in here with Yeri.

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