Chapter 21

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Today I had the day off work so I decided to take Jihyun to the park for a little bit and then for some ice cream. It's our little thing we do and usually we do this with Jennie and Mia but they couldn't make it today. Jennie had to go see her dad since he's become ill and Mia was at work and couldn't get time off but said she'll stop by my place later on in the evening.

Jihyun loves the park so every time we come here he always has a blast and I do too just watching him have fun and sometimes joining in was fun enough too.

The swings are his favourite so of course that would be the first thing he wanted to go on before anything else. So once I placed him on the swing I started to push him since he's not quite got all the swinging by himself yet.

"Mommy higher!" Jihyun

I laughed at his cuteness and continued to push him.

"Not too high Jihyun I don't want you to fall out."

"I won't Mommy, higher, higher!" Jihyun

I gave him one big push and then let him swing on his own until it comes to a stop.

"When the swings stops I think we should go play on something else, Jihyun."

"I want to go on the slide!" Jihyun

He giggled and soon enough the swing cam to a stop and I lifted his small body out the swing and placed him to stand on his own two feet just so he could run off towards the slide.

I decided to chance after him and he squealed out a giggle when he realised I was chafing after him.

"I'm too fast Mommy! You can't get me!" Jihyun

He climbed up the the steps as fast as he could while I tried to hang back and not be too fast for him.

"I'll catch you!"

When he reached the top of the stepped he turned around to look down at me and giggled again before running to the slide while I took two steps up to chance after him. By the time I reached the top he just slid down the slide. I laughed and followed his lead, but first looking down the to make sure he wasn't at the bottom. I didn't want to bang into him but he ran off under the climbing frame laughing his head off. Times like this I really enjoy, it's precious moments.

Unfortunately for this one it was cut short when he shouted out one name I didn't want to hear.

"Kookie!!" Jihyun

I froze as I reached the bottom of the slide but then remembered by son is with him. So I got up and ran in the direction I saw Jihyun ran but I was too late.

Jungkook was already squatted down, hugging my son. Or our son should I say.

"Jihyun! Let's go get some ice cream now!"

I shouted to him from a few feet away. They pulled apart and Jihyun turned around to pout at me with his adorable doe like eyes.

"Mommy! Kookie just got here!" Jihyun

I sighed and gained the courage to walk over to them both. As I did Jungkooks eyes were fully trained on me as he stood up.

"I know but we always get ice cream after the park don't we?"

He nods but he's still pouting.

"But I want to stay and play with kookie." Jihyun

I bit my lip, trying to control my anger right now and not explode in front of my son. He doesn't know what happened between me and Jungkook and he won't ever know, so to think of excuses for us to leave is so hard right now.

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