Chapter 32

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Since finding out that Jungkook is jihyuns father I never would of thought I'd literally spend the whole day at his house.

I'm not alone thank god, Mia took the day off work and we pretty much had a movie marathon all day with Hobi and Yoongi.

Jin was busy looking for old year book from our school to remember what the two evil siblings look like somewhere in the house.

Namjoon was out doing god knows what and Jennie was still at work but could come back at any minute since she texted me to say that she's on her way here.

I've barely seen my son all day, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung have been playing with him around the house. I know he's fine, I may not have seen him but I've definitely heard his little get loud laugh through this big house. He must be having fun with them and when I have seen him, mostly when it's to get food he's running away from them laughing his head off. I'm just happy he's happy.

It was nighttime now after jihyuns busy day full of playing and I settled him in Jungkooks room this time. He insisted and I only agreed because I didn't want to kick Hobi out of his bedroom again.

After I made sure Jihyun was alright and settled down to sleep I made my way back down stairs to everyone that was now in the living room, Jennie was back and Namjoon just literally walked through the door as I entered the living room with everyone else.

We shared a smile to one another as if to say hello and turned our attention over to Jin who stood in front of the tv that was now turned off, flicking through the pages of the book in his hand. He obviously found the year book, I have my copy at home.

I made my over to the sofa and sat in between Mia and Jimin. I waved at Jennie across from me on the other sofa as she sat next to Yoongi who sat in the middle of her and Jungkook, who now just gone back to his blank expression, glaring at the coffee table.

"Right so! Kim yeri and Kim jaehyun. We're are those little weirdos?" Jin

He asked himself and Mia giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. Does she have to make it that obvious.

Jin directed his eyes to her with a little smirk on his lips and winked before he looked back to the book and kneeled down to the coffee table and set the book down so everyone could see.

I leaned over until I thought it was best to kneel next to the table instead to get a good look in case seeing a picture of yeri jogs any memory of her. Right now I have none other than she's the girl that was there that night with Taehyung but I can't remember exactly what she looks like.

Jin flickers through the pages until he comes to a stop on one of them.

"That's me! Look at my handsome face, it hasn't changed a bit!" Jin

He grinned at his picture and Mia giggled again when she came to sit next to me on the floor to also get a better look.

"Jin we're looking for yeri and Jaehyun not your face. Move on." Yoongi

Jin rolled his eyes with a nod and flicked over one page before Taehyung slams his hand down on the book to stop him going any further.

"There! That's her!" Taehyung

He exclaimed from his position next to Jin, pointing at the picture of the brown haired girl with glasses. I don't remember her wearing glasses that night though unless she had contact lenses on.

"Are you sure? I don't remember her at all?" Hobi

"That definitely her. I remember that face. She was desperate to come to the party with me that night and I just wanted laid." Taehyung

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