Chapter 7

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Today was the day I start officially start working for Jungkook as his assistant.

I'm stood in front of the tall building with jihyun holding my hand equally gawking at the huge building in his little eyes.

"Wow, mommy this is huge!" Jihyun

I chuckled to myself about his comment and kneeled down to have a few words with him before walking in and taking him to his new daycare but Jungkook asked if I come up to the top floor first where his office is before heading to the daycare.

"Jihyun, sweetie. You remember your starting your new daycare today, right?"

He nods, pressing his lips into a thin lipped smile.

"Your going to be a good boy for me okay?"

"Yes mommy." Jihyun

He's so sweet.

"If you have any problems in this place just let me know okay?"

He nods again.

"Right, okay. We have to go see Jungkook first before I take you to your new daycare."

He squeals out loud, drawing attention to us for the crowd out people around us.

"Yayyy! Kookie!" Jihyun

I stroke his cheek and peck him before taking his hand again and guiding him into the building, staying close by my side.

Approaching the reception my nerves came back to again that I've been swallowing deep down. There was a woman at the desk as I walked in, she must be at least the same age as me, and she was very beautiful with her smooth skin and long black hair. When she looked up at me I felt a little intimidated by her eyes.

"May I help you?" Receptionist

"I'm here to see jeon Jungkook. I'm his new assistant."

I tried to be polite as possible. She scanned me up and down as if she was judging me then quickly flashed a fake smile.

"I see. He's been expecting you. His office is on the top floor." Receptionist

"Thank you."

I didn't waste time walking away with Jihyun towards the elevators. She made me super uncomfortable.

I pressed the highest number button, once we entered the elevator and waited for the elevator to go up. It was empty so Jihyun took the chance to let go of my hand and put his hands up against the wall of the elevator to have more feel of the movement of the elevator going up. He loved elevators, and his giggling proved nothing had changed.

"Mommy I have butterflies in my tummy!" Jihyun

He rubs his tummy with his little hands and slightly sticking his belly out his jacket.

"Jihyun come here, the elevator is stopping."

He pulls down his jacket and come back to hold my hand. It's a good thing he's a good boy and listens to what I say.

Like I had said the Jihyun the elevator came to a stop and opened the doors to reveal a little waiting room, with a black two seater sofa, one black chair and a desk with a computer which was currently empty. I assume that will be my place to work since the desk is right next to the double brown doors.

"Mommy is Kookie here?" Jihyun

I scanned the room for further clues there was no one here but I then noticed a sigh next to the double doors that read Jeon Jungkook in black writing.

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