Chapter 22

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I've got to say Jihyun playing the park today certainly tired him out and once we got home I tried to keep him awake so I could make him his dinner.

I almost failed but Mia arrived as promised but she came with food and so Jihyun ate until his tummy was full. He had his bath and was settled in bed. He had a busy day and loved seeing everyone which makes me thinks maybe Jin watching Jihyun with Jungkook might not be a bad idea.

But something Jin said about Hobi made me think about him all day. I still have his number, I saved it onto my new phone too. I wasn't fully ready to let go of it just yet and I had been battling with myself all day about it.

"Okay what's up with you? Your wheels have been turning all evening." Mia

She pats my leg as she sits down next to me and places her cup on the coffee table.

"Well as you already know Jihyun had seen Jungkook today."

She nods silently since it's true. It's all Jihyun has been talking about all evening since we got home.

"Jin was there, with Taehyung and Jimin too. Jin was telling me that I should talk to Hobi. Get his side to why he kept such a thing from me."

"That's up to you Y/n. Jin has been telling me the same thing but I don't want to talk to him until you've spoken to him and that the two of you are okay." Mia

I frowned to look at her, serious face.

"Why? He hasn't done anything to you."

She nods at the fact.

"I know he hasn't but I'm still not over the fact he disappeared for four years and now to find out he kept this massive secret that hurt you and he knew full well what happened to you. Friends don't do that." Mia

She has a point but I wouldn't ask her to stop talking to him for me. But if that's her choice then I have to respect that.

"Okay then, thank you."

"But if you want to speak to him, that's up to you. In fact maybe it's a turn in the right direction to patching things up with him." Mia

I nod again at her and took my phone out my back pocket.

"I still have his number. I saved it into the new phone."

I stared down at my mobile in my hands and started flicking through my contacts until I found his name.

"Are you going to call or text him?" Mia

"I want to call him. I prefer to speak over the phone than text but if he doesn't pick up I'll text him."

"Okay." Mia

She sits back on the sofa and folds her arms over her chest while I click on his name and listen to the phone ring a few times until he answers the phone.


"Hi, Hobi. It's me, y/n."

There was a pause before he spoke.

"Hi y/n. How are you?" Hobi

I sighed in relief, for a moment there I thought he would hang up on me.

"I'm okay thank you. How are you?"

"I could do better. How's Jihyun?" Hobi

"He's doing great thanks for asking. He's in a lot better mood after he seen Jungkook this afternoon."

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