Chapter 45

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Tonight was certainly a surprise.

It was my date night with Jungkook as I asked Jennie to watch Jihyun for the night. She actually asked if Yoongi could join them at my apartment and I said yes as long as there wasn't any funny business in my bed.

Jungkook picked me up around five since where we were going was apparently an hours drive. He wouldn't tell me where we were going only that it was an hour away. I was excited to see where he was taking me since I was so nervous about this date yet very excited about it too.

There were moments in the car we would sit in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable at all. It was the opposite and every now and then I would sneak a peak at his side profile to gaze upon just how handsome he is from the side as well as the front. It makes me wonder just how a guy like him could be so obsessed with me and likes me the way he does. It's strange yet I'm not complaining one bit.

I would look at his knuckles too as he drove the car to where ever it is we're going. They seem to be healing nicely. Though I do wonder what state Jaehyun must be in if Jungkook really did beat him up. He must of been left a state after that.

After our hour long drive I was greeted to a lovely surprise at the beach. I love the beach and Jungkook took me into this beautiful restaurant that allows you dine on the beach outside and luckily for us it was a gorgeous night as the sun began to set.

As we ate and talked mostly about Jihyun we got to enjoy the view of the sun setting beyond the horizon. One of my most favourite parts when your at the beach long enough. It seems like we got here right on time to witness it.

Even after we finished our meal Jungkook and I sat at the table with our desserts. We both orders sundaes, I don't care what anyone says they're the best and Jungkook just pretty much ordered what I did. I don't think he cared to be honest with what he had.

Jungkook told me a story of when he was a child when he had a ice cream fight with Jimin and Taehyung as children at Taehyungs house when they were about seven. He said how they stole all the ice cream out of the freezer and began to not only eat it but throw it at one another. I could tell by the way he speaks about one of his childhood memories that it was one of the best he had since it sounds like he didn't get much of a childhood with his dad.

But whenever that comes up he always ends up changing the subject or thanking me for what I've done with Jihyun. I mean Jihyun is my son of course if I'll want what's best for him and try and give him what I can of a happy childhood. It's just very unfortunate Jungkook didn't get the same treatment.

Though to lighten the mood a little as I seen Jungkook become a little down as he dug into his sundae I scooped up some ice cream with my finger and while he wasn't looking I plopped some ice cream on his nose. Though his reaction was priceless.

The way he jolted up in his seat in surprise and crossed his eyes to see the vanilla ice cream on his face was a picture. I couldn't stop my laughter but stopped when I seen the mischievous grin crawl up in his face as he picked up his spoon scooping up some ice cream.

"Jungkook, no. Don't you dare."

He shook his head slowly preparing to fire his ice cream across the table.

"You brought this on yourself y/n." Jungkook

He said between giggles and launched the ice cream my way. I squealed and ducked down from the flying ice cream but unfortunately it caught my arm as I moved. Sitting back up as Jungkook threw his head back laughing I noticed the amount of funny looks we were getting form people. But for once I didn't care because we were having fun and this was our date no one else's.

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