Chapter 38

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I was surprised to get a text from Jungkook this afternoon when jihyun and I were eating lunch with Mia.

He asked if we could meet up after work, something about playing at the park with Jihyun so the three of us could spend some more time together to which I was open to.

So of course I texted him back saying yes and that we'll meet him later at the same park I always take Jihyun to. I didn't tell my son since I wanted to surprise him as he wasn't very happy after we left because he wanted to spend the day with Jungkook which was sweet but now he gets his wish.

I told Mia about it when Jihyun was distracted by colouring at the table so I had to whisper so he wouldn't hear me and he didn't thinks goodness. When I told her she made fun of me, more like teasing because I was starting to get all flustered just talking about Jungkook and shy with myself just speaking of him.

She pretty much did that discreetly throughout the whole afternoon until we went our separate ways and saying our goodbyes.

That's when I took Jihyun to the park and texted Jungkook that we're here but also that Jihyun doesn't know he's coming. But Jungkook was totally in on the idea of surprising him so he came up with a plan to sneak up on him while I keep him busy.

And I know just the thing that will keep him busy and a way for Jungkook to surprise him without being caught before he can get a chance.

The swings.

Jihyun loves the swings, he loves the excitement he gets when you push him too high. As he says it gives him the butterflies in his tummy and he loves the feeling. I don't mind as long as he's safe plus his little giggles just makes me laugh and adore him all at one time.

Of course after I mentioned the swings to him he ran as fast as he could to the swings all excited as he was. As I walked over to the swings after him I could see Jungkooks car pulling up and there's the risk Jihyun might recognise it since Jihyun is all about the cars and Spider-Man. So I had to act fast.

I began to run, not something I do often but I did just enough to get to my son and make sure he was facing away from the parked cars.

Jihyun was bouncing on the spot making cute grabby hands for me so while laughing at his eagerness I picked him up and helped him to sit on the swing comfortably.

"Are you ready Jihyun?"

"Yes! Yes!! I want to go high mommy!" Jihyun

He cutely points to the sky above both of us and I follow his line of sight to the sky in the direction of his pointed finger. I know there's nothing there of course but I just looked up into the clouded sky anyway.

"Okay then."

I said grabbing his swing from the front and started gently pushing him back and then to the front again towards me. I began to push him more and more standing in front of him as I do so just so Jungkook could sneak up behind.

Jungkook seemed to be taking his time though sitting in his car and then stepping out of his and carefully closing the door so it's not loud enough to attract attention to Jihyun.

However even with the slow approaching Jungkook, the four year old was busy looking up at the sky as I pushed him. He hand one hand on the bar in front of the swing he sits in and another on his tummy laughing.

"Higher mommy! I've got butterflies!!!" Jihyun

He laughs some more and my heart was begging at the scene of my son having what seems like the time of his life on something so simple as a swing.

Jungkook came to a stop behind jihyuns swing giving me a wave and his bunny like smile that he obviously passed onto Jihyun. It still shocks me how I didn't notice it before I found out that Jungkook was indeed jihyuns father.

I could only smile at him because if I was to wave Jihyun would see and wonder who I was waving at but Jungkook seemed to of accepted it as a greeting anyway.

Then I stopped pushing Jihyun and he immediately responded by looking at me confused because I stopped pushing his swing.

"Mommy why you stop? Keep going! Please?!" Jihyun

He started swinging his little legs that dangled form his seat. The height I pushed him too was already starting to slow down and that disappointed him a lot. Jihyuns lips turned to pout and he crossed his arms because clearly my son was not happy with me right now. But I however found it incredibly cute and laughed at him for being so adorable even in his pouted ways. Sometimes when he has been bad it's been hard to try and not laugh at him because of either the way he reacts or what he says in his defence. So even in serious moments it's hard to not laugh.

Jungkook was watching him from behind with fondness and adoration even without seeing his face. It's like the back of his head his even good enough to make Jungkook happy about seeing Jihyun.

The swing slowed down so much that it eventually came to a stop but Jihyun groans and swings his lips again.

"Mommy! Please push me!" Jihyun

"I don't need to."

Confusion flashes across the four years olds face with a little bit of sadness making my heart crack slightly as it always does when I see my son sad.

"Why??" Jihyun

He looked ready to cry. Oh no.

But thank goodness for jungkook stepping in on time, leaning down ruffling the now startled boys hair and comes into Jihyun view from the side.

"Because I'm going to push you." Jungkook

Jihyun squeals in excitement again kicking his legs and making grabby hands for Jungkook and that made both Jungkook and I laugh at his actions.

"I thought you wanted more pushes on the swings?" Jungkook

He asks between laughs but Jihyun shook his head smiling so widely if he smiled anymore his face could crack with his chubby cheeks.

"No! I want to play with you Kookie!" Jihyun

As usual Jungkook couldn't resist and picks him up pulling him out the swing and immediately hugs the small boy that was equally hugging him like tomorrow. They just seen each other a few hours ago this morning, you'd think that hadn't seen each other in a long time. I guess they just have a strong bond but they clicked the moment Jihyun asked Jungkook to play with him when they first met.

After a couple seconds Jungkook put him down and Jihyun took off running towards the climbing frame already expecting Jungkook to run after him.

"Come on kookie! The slide, lets go to the slide!" Jihyun

"Okay I'm coming!" Jungkook

He shouts back but looks at me only taking a few steps towards me to take my hand for just a moment.

"Thank you." Jungkook

He didn't need to thank me. I wanted to come here and even if I still didn't want to see him I would of asked jin or Hobi or someone to take Jihyun to see Jungkook at the park. After all he still his jihyuns father at the end of the day.

"It's no problem. No go play before he gives you into trouble."

I swatted at him. He laughed and surprised me with a quick kiss on the cheek and running off after Jihyun towards the slide while I stood rooted to my spot and turning a deep shade of red.

He just kissed my cheek!
Holy shit!

That's it! There's no more of me denying it anymore to myself or my friends. I'm crushing so hard right now it's hard to not be noticeable anymore. I have a big fat crush on my sons father.

Oh lord help me.

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