Chapter 44

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Finally I'm finished with all the meetings today and I can sit back in my office and chill. I haven got much to do now that they're over and I'm debating whether to go pick up Jihyun from day care and surprise Y/n by picking her up from work since she also gave the day care my name for list of people that have permission to pick up the child from their care.

You know what I think I will do that.

I folded up my important documents on my desk, piling them up in a neat pile to be sure they will be here tomorrow when I come back in. I also sit have to make plans for the date Y/n and I have coming up and I want to make it special. I mean as far as I know she liked the last date we went on but that was before she found out the truth between us. I want to make it a little different this time.

Maybe something just outside of the city maybe just somewhere that will bring a different scenery. Anyway I have to decide fast because our planned date is this weekend, I have three days left and I'm nervous as hell. I really don't want to mess this up or make her uncomfortable in anyway, that would just take us a step back from where we are now. Things are just going so well. Too well.

Thinking about all this hurts my head but it's worth it, it's all for her anyway. I'd do anything for her and for my son.

My eyes set on a picture I have on my desk, one of the three of us on Jihyuns birthday. I made copies so I have a picture at home next to me bed also. I smile every time I look at that picture, the similarities between Jihyun and myself were strong though I could see a little resemblance from Y/n in Jihyun also. They're my everything I never thought I would have.

The doors to my office open up without even so much as a knock and in comes Jin with Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Jungkook, a word." Jin

I smile at the three men that just walked into my office and causally lean back in my chair and fold my hands over the other resting on my lap.

"What is it hyung?"

"You're in a very good mood today?" Yoongi

I shrugged it off because I was in a good mood but that was because I planned on picking up my son to surprise his mother at work, the love of my life.

"Does this have anything to do with your date that you have with Y/n this weekend?" Hoseok

He wiggles his brows at me with a chuckle and I roll my eyes while clicking my tongue but then remembered I don't know what I'm going to do. Hoseok could help me.

"Maybe, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I haven't got a clue where to take her."

I said with a sigh and my fingers through my hair.

"I have an idea. You can plan a dinner at the beach or something? She likes the beach and it gets her away from the city for a couple hours." Hoseok

That's what I hoped for but I didn't think of the beach, it actually didn't seem like that bad of an idea and I know the perfect place to take her to dinner there too.

"You know what I think I'll do that. Thanks."

I pulled out my phone checking for the information of the place I have in mind.

"You could also book a room for the night too if you know what I mean." Yoongi

I froze with my phone in my hand and my eyes wonder off the screen to my lap. I didn't think anything like that either, I don't think it would be a good idea anyway. I did it before but that was before and I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

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