Chapter 51

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It's been four fucking weeks since Y/n had first gone missing and it's driving me crazy.

I can barely sleep, eat or even go to work. I wouldn't even go to work if it weren't for Jin dragging me there himself to make sure I do go. I've been looking for her everywhere and I can't find her but one thing I have come to thought of was that Kim Yeri has something to do with it.

I even paid a visit to the bar she apparently was suppose to work at but I was told by the manager that she quit and hasn't been seen since. I know she has something to do with because of what I did to her brother and but I swear when I get my hands on that woman I'll kill her too. I don't care if she's a woman she took what was mine and have kept both herself and Y/n very well hidden.

I hate it. I hate everything right now. I want nothing more than to blow up and tear just everything apart around me but I can't and all because of one person.


Despite everything I have to keep it together for him. He's been going through a lot and misses his mom so much it breaks me even more to see how much he misses her. The two are very close and he's a mommys boy alright. But for the time being I've had to tell him, well more like lie to him and say that his mommy went away to look for another job like a little holiday but will be home soon......hopefully.

I hate lying to him but I can't tell a little four year old his mother had been kidnapped and I don't know where she is. It's hard but I'll do anything to keep him safe and to make sure he's well taken care of which is why I now have him staying with me. He sleeps in my room with me at nights and I take him to the day care in my building but make sure to check on him personally every hour to see that he's okay. I don't care if it's excessive, I can't have him taken away from me too. Over my dead body.

Watching Jihyun sleep peacefully in my bed was heart warming to watch and sends me peace for a moment thinking just how cute he is but then the thoughts of Y/n not being here with us come flooding back and I get angry all over again.

I rush out my bedroom, leaving my sleeping son to sleep alone and run down the stairs to where I know where some of the guys would be. The living room.

Appearing into the living room I could only see Hoseok and Jimin here in the room. I know that Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung are out somewhere but I don't know where Namjoon is, probably in his bedroom or something.

When they both notice me enter the room as they sit on the couch next to each other with their own laptops on their laps, Jimin only smiled lightly, just a little bit that didn't even reach his eyes as it usually would. But Hoseok only glanced at me with a stone cold look and then back to his laptop typing away. Hoseok hasn't smiled since Y/n's been missing except for when he forces one out when Jihyun is around.

"Ah Jungkook, can't sleep again?" Jimin

I shook my head and walked over to the closed couch and fell back onto it with my hands through my hair.

"No. I can't and I don't want to."

Jimin glances towards the kitchen and then back to me, with a sadden expression.

"I can get you some sleeping pills, or would that mess with you medication that you already take?" Jimin

I just shrugged my shoulders and sat hunched forward with my elbows on my knees.

"I don't know but I don't want to risk it. I have Jihyun to think about and despite everything I can't lose my temper."

Hoseok scoffs and I look at him in surprise to see him still aggressively typing away and his eyes glued to his screen. Even Jimin seemed surprised by his reaction and stares back at him in shock.

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