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(One year later.)

It's been a year since Jungkook unexpectedly asked him to marry him and of course I said yes. How could I not?

Within two months of him asking we got married. It was my idea to get married so quickly since I didn't want to wait and Jungkook was over the moon that I was in such a rush to marry him. I just didn't want to waste another day and have a quick wedding. Mia and Jennie jumped at the opportunity to help me plan it all and it was a big success and just an amazing day.

Because I was heavily pregnant at the time we couldn't go on a honey moon but we were in no rush because one month after we got married we welcomed a beautiful little girl, Jisoo. Jungkook cried of course and yet he denied it too but it was adorable. Jihyun was also thrilled he was a big brother to a little sister. He tried to include Jisoo in everything he does and pretty much even tries to help out with her too. Its's safe to say that Jisoo will defiantly have not only have her father wrapped around her finger but Jihyun too. I can only imagine what that will be like when she's older. She may suffer as a result of that but we'll see.

Jungkook also after Jisoos birth surprised me with a house. The very same house that I wanted months before hand and he bought it just to surprise me and lets just say I cried with joy. It was the perfect house to raise our children in and he purchased it to make our own. To create many memories in with our small family.

In this last year Jin finally asked Mia to marry him two months ago. He asked for Jennie and I to help in the planning and of course we did. I couldn't pass up on that so we helped him. All of us went on a camping trip out the city and he proposed by the lake under the beautiful stars with everyone watching. It was really beautiful and I have to admit. I cried, I was just so happy for them and Mia has been head over heels with Jin for like ever. I just now cant wait until they get married.

Yoongi finally asked Jennie to be his girlfriend too even if they tried to hide it from everyone. That didn't last long and in the end Hobi found out first when he walked into Yoongi's room just to see them kissing and among other things that he says will scar him for the rest of his life. But he's no better. Everyone now knows his secret and that is the Hobi and Jimin have been something more like friends with benefits for years now. That's why they never have any girlfriends but they're going with the flow to see where things go. I personally think it'll go somewhere but I really hope it does too.

Namjoon also began an on again off again relationship with Yeri's alcoholic cousin, Selugi. She's actually not that bad just the drinking problem and that really bothers Namjoon. When she's not drinking she's the sweetest thing ever but when she's drinking she's very annoying. But even if she annoys Namjoon you can still see with the way he looks at her that there's that adoration he has for her. He's head over heels with her and just wants to help her with her problem but she's receiving help for that because she too wants it to work with Namjoon.

Then lastly there's Taehyung.

After Yeri left for the first few months he was really down and just not himself. I ended up speaking to him, telling him to go find her but Taehyung being the good friend he is just didn't want to do that because she drugged Jungkook and created a how bunch of problems. So in the end I spoke to Jungkook about it and he agreed that Yeri and Taehyung should be together. In his words he said 'I got what I wanted in the end' so now Taehyung should have peace with that and be happy with her. Jungkook himself found Yeri across the country and brought her back so they could reunite and I swear it was the sweetest thing ever. They cried, hugged and kissed. Jungkook and I watched the whole thing but at first Taehyung was hesitant and Jungkook literally had to give him blessings about it and push him over to her so they could finally talk. In result of that they are now together and travel a lot too and we receive a lot of pictures and phone calls from them. In fact next month they're coming back so we'll get to see them and catch up properly then.

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