Chapter 28

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I was honestly very surprised at my own words that slipped my mouth. Hobi was very unsure and tried to tell me no, that he's drunk and that wouldn't be wise but I felt confidant enough to speak with him, well as long as someone is with me, I'm not comfortable enough to be left alone with him. Plus I just know I'll have to face him one day so why not now?

Hobi called Jin to let him know that myself and Jihyun were coming, just to put Jungkook in his room until we came. I didn't want Jihyun to see him like that and put a bad image of him in his head. Jihyun idolizes the man and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. While Hobi did that I gathered something Jihyun would need as I had a strong feeling we would be there a while and I was already past Jihyun's bed time, so Hobi said if I insisted on going with him Jihyun can sleep in his room.

Of course Jihyun was asking questions during the whole car journey to Hobi's house, but soon enough I didn't have to tell him where we were going because he recognised the outside surrounds, and lets just say he became very excited to be going there again.

Surprisingly enough I didn't expect their house to be so big, but I suppose it will be since all seven live together. I thought they lived separately because I remembered the day I last saw Jungkook at the park, he had mentioned he was meeting up with his friends to go to Taehyungs place. Hobi explained to me in the car on the way over that Taehyung has another studio apartment for his photography hobby. It's nice to hear he still does that since in school he was very well known for it.

When Hobi parked his car, I noticed how somewhere along the way here Jihyun had fallen asleep. So I exited the car and picked up my sleeping son carefully to not wake him up and Hobi grabbed his small back for me. I held Jihyun close and stared at the massive house.

"Y/n are you sure you want to be here? I can still take you both home, it would be no problem." Hobi

He patted my shoulder, with worry evident on his face, but I shook my head at him, determined to get this over with. It may be the wrong type of day to do this and he's been drinking so I don't know what's come over me but I just need to face him about this. I need to, now or never.

"We'll be fine Hobi."

He nods once and guides me to the door, taking small steps with his hand on the small of my back for support. All the thought brewing in my mind, screaming what the hell are you doing? Telling me to leave but another part of me says stay, and talk to him, alcohol or not just get it over with and you'll not have to talk about it with him again.

Slowly did we approach the door and Hobi pushed it open for me to enter first, with little steps and he walked in close behind me to close the door quietly afterwards. It seemed that the house was quiet and the living room was directly in front of the front door and no one was around.

Jihyuns little body cling onto me like glue, his head laying on my shoulder and unknowingly wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"I'll show you where my bedroom is to put him down." Hobi

I nodded quietly and followed Hobi down a small corridor that led to a single stair case.

"Erm, this is the back stairs. If we use the main stairs Jungkook might hear us and I don't know what he's like right now." Hoseok

He said as we walked up the stairs. I said nothing since I understand what he was meaning. I didn't want Jihyun to wake up now that's hes asleep.

I continued to follow Hobi to his room that was only one bedroom away from the stairs and he allowed me to walk into his room that was very big too. If anything it almost seems the size of my whole apartment. I mean I knew it was small but now after seeing his bedroom it made my place look even smaller.

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