Chapter 15

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Last night was just full with emotions. I was relieved to finally know but devastated that it was someone as sweet as Jimin that could do such a thing to me. Out of all of them Hobi is closest to Jimin since out the seven I would see Jimin from time to time hanging out with him and I would even speak to him sometimes too even though I spoke to all of them but still, Hobi knew and he never told me. I'l be having serious words with him when Jihyuns party is finished tomorrow. I can't believe it.

I did cry finally knowing and I totally broke down but Jungkook was understanding and held me close to him and we cuddled all night. Nothing happened but I'm thankful he was understanding and that he tried to reassure me that I didn't ruin the night but I still cant help but think that I did.

Jungkook said it would be okay if I came to work a little late so I could go home and change and what not while Hobi already picked up Jihyun this morning from Jennies place and took him to day care for me, thankfully my friends planned this all out for me so I could go on a much needed date. I don't know where I see myself with Jungkook yet, but only time would tell.

I was an hour and half later than usual when I ran into the building and tried to get to my desk as fast as I could. Jungkook office door was closed but I assumed he was inside since I did hear him talking, probably on either a call or someone was inside, but I couldn't hear a second voice so my best guess was a call.

As I sat down I turned on my computer and I heard Jungkook raise his voice and something smash. It startled me so I got up and knocked on the door.

"Jungkook are you okay?"

I waited a few seconds before Jungkook opened the door but only just enough for his head to pop through the gap and nothing more. I couldn't see past his head, since he was so tall.

"Are you okay? I heard something break."

He flashed me a smile.

"Everythings fine. I'm sorry I knocked over my vase." Jungkook

"Do you want me to go get you something to clean it up?"

He shakes his head rapidly.

"No, no. It's fine I can do it myself." Jungkook

"Okay, well let me know if you need anything."

"I will thank you." Jungkook

He then shut the door on me while I stand there confused as to why he was acting so strange, with his creaky voice and his forced smile. He was fine this morning. I shrugged it off and walked back to my desk to sit down and type away at my log in details and start opening up some files and emails. Some were requests to book appointments to see Jungkook about up coming projects.

The elevator doors opened and I heard the fast paced stomping of someone's shoes come my way but I'm too busy on the computer, taking notes of the emails of requests to run by Jungkook later for meetings.

"Y/n is Jungkook still in. I'd really like to see him."

I froze at the voice and looked up to see Jimin standing there in an angry yet serious expression that kind of scared me. He stood tall staring down at me with is hands in his pockets.

"It's urgent Y/n I need to talk to him." Jimin

"Y-yes, he's s-still I-in."

I mentally slapped myself for stuttering I didn't want to give myself away that I know. He sighed and pushed his head back.

"I'll just go in, thanks." Jimin

He marched past my desk to enter Jungkooks office without even knocking. The first thing I heard was Jimins raised voice but I couldn't make out his words. He must be angry today. The phone rang and I picked it up to ignore Jungkook now shouting back. I have no idea what they're saying and I don't want to know. Maybe Jungkook told Jimin that I now know and Jimin is telling him off for it, I don't know, the point is I now know.

"Hello, Mr jeons office how may I help you?"

"Hello Y/n. It's nice to speak with you again." Guy

I groaned and rolled my eyes at the guys voice.

"You don't sound too happy to talk to me today." Guy

"We don't have to talk anymore I know who jIhyuns father is now, so goodbye."

I went to hang up the phone, I wasn't in a good mood today and didn't have time for this guy but he spoke again and it made me stop.

"Oh so he told you did he? I'm surprised you're still working there then." Guy

"Why it's not like I'll see him a lot as long as he stays off the floor I work on and doesn't go near my son why would I stop working here?"

"Wait, what? Of course you'll see him in works in your building very close to you." Guy

"Look mister I don't have time for this."

"Oh Y/n I think you've got it all wrong. You see I told you there is tests to get this kind of stuff done and I;ve done just that." Guy

"What are you talking about? I don't need any tests done."

"But you do, here in my hands right now are the results to that test, all from you and seven other men that currently work in your building." Guy

"Okay I'm confused what are you talking about. I didn't do any tests."

"No you didn't but I have connections and those connections took DNA samples from all of you including your son. To get this done and set the record straight." Guy

"What DNA?"

"It's amazing what DNA you can get from just simply taking so much as a drink from a plastic cup." Guy

"What? Then how did you get the tests done so fast?"

The man laughs through the phone and I rolled my eyes again.

"I told you I have connections even outside Mr Jeons building." Guy

"Okay so what if you have the test results I know who Jihyuns father is."

"But do you. I have the real proof right here, I could post in through your letterbox just now if you'd like to see them. We don't have to meet like I've suggested before but you should see this with your own too eyes to make sure what you know if true." Guy

He had a point and if I already know it's Jimin what's that harm in looking at the hard truth about it and then I can confront Hobi with it, telling him I know and how betrayed I feel that he would keep this from me that Jimin is Jihyuns father.

"Okay fine. Post them through my letter box but please after this stop contacting me."

"Oh, don't worry I wouldn't have to after this." Guy

He laughs and then hangs up the phone. I then too slam the phone down and sighed heavily running my hands through my hair. There was still yelling coming from Jungkook's office so I tuned it out by humming a tune, Jihyuns favourite song again. I could never get that one song out my head.

The office door slammed open and Jimin came charging out. I flinched with how fast he walked to the elevators that came quite fast for him pushing the button. He stormed in pushing a button to then lean his head up against the wall inside before the doors closed.

"I'm sorry about that Y/n. Jimins had a bad day." Jungkook

He sighed standing at his office door with one arms leading up right on the door frame and the other in his pocket.

"It's okay. As long as he stays away from me and Jihyun I;m fine."

I forced a smile and he did the same, nodding and then walking back to his office with out closing the door. It does make me wonder though what the spoke about, but I'll let it go since I have my own problems to worry about now.

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