Chapter 4

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It was a little hard to wake Jihyun up at first but as soon as I mention that Hobi was here he forced himself up and out of bed on his own. He wanted to show him he was a big boy but when he made it to the living room door he stopped. The shy personality came through and he hide to the side of the door, peaking through.

I peaked around the door with him too, watching the three men engage in some sort of serious conversation, that was until I decided to break it by fully standing in the doorway and fake coughing. They all immediately pulled away from each other and try to attempt like everything was okay.

"Guys, this is Jihyun but he's a little shy."

I pointed to the side where Jihyun stood but he didn't move, he was frozen like a deer in head lights. I smiled down at him and picked him up, thinking he would feel better in my arms meeting these strange men for the first time. Jihyun stuck himself to me like glue, grabbing me for dear life and hiding his face into my shoulder.

"Aw! He's so cute!" Hobi

Hobi walked closer to us and patted the boy on the back, trying to see his face but Jihyun kept moving his face away from Hobi's sight.

"Jihyun are you going to say hello?"

Jihyun mumbled a little hello into my shoulder still hiding his face from Hobi.

"Jihyun it's good to finally meet you. I'm Hobi. You're mommy has told me a lot of stories about you." Hobi

I did to that. Yesterday in our little catch up with Jennie all I could talk about was my pride and joy. Hobi probably knew him already with the amount of times I spoke about him. Why wouldn't I want to talk about my son?

Slowly but surely Jihyun turned his head to face Hobi and smiled at him.

"Hobi?" Jihyun

He turned on his tiny baby voice to speak, he shyness still evident in his voice. Hobi nodded rapidly and held his hands out to him, probably in hopes for the boy to go to him. I was hoping he would too. If Hobi sticks to his word to stay around then hopefully he can be a father figure in Jihyun's life

My son started shifting more in my arms to turn his body to face Hobi completely. When Jihyun lifted his head to show him his smile, Hobi's eyes grew but tried to cover it with a smile. If I didn't know him as well as I do, I wouldn't of noticed but I've known him since I was at least Jihyun's age so I defiantly saw it. Unexpectedly Jihyun reached out to him and Hobi took his into his arms from me.

I sighed in relief that Jihyun accepted Hobi like that, he must of felt comfortable with him to do that.

"Jihyun there's two other I would like you to meet remember? I went to school with them."

This time Jihyun glued himself to Hobi, with his little arms around Hobi like a little monkey grasping onto the parent. Hobi didn't mind though he just held him in his arms and walked over to the sofa with him. I watched how they sat down on the sofa, Jihyun now sitting in Hobi's knee but still tucked into his side.

"This is Jimin."

I pointed at Jimin who sat next to Hobi, smiling softly at the little boy but Jihyun only peaked his eyes over at Jimin and nothing more. I whispered a little 'I'm sorry' to him and he just waved me off basically saying it's alright.

"And Jihyun, this is Jungkook."

Jungkook was pale as white watching my son in Hobi's arms. He too looked like a deer in headlights, how long had he been looking like this?

"Jungkook are you alright?"

I patted his shoulder and that seemed to snap him out of whatever it was that he was in and looking around the room.

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