Chapter 12

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I felt desperate for the emergency meeting for two reasons. One I needed to ask Mia and Jennie some questions and tell them all about this guy that's been speaking to me.

Two I'm starting to panic about my date tomorrow night, it's my first one in a long time and it's with Jungkook. The last person I would of expected to ask me out on a date, but I couldn't refuse it.

After work Jungkook did drop myself and Jihyun off at home but he hasn't left yet. In fact he basically came in, and insisted on helping me with Jihyun since I told him my friends are coming round tonight. He said he could watch Jihyun so I could have more adult conversations with them and so Jihyun wouldn't be in the way. Of course I told him there was no need but he was very persistent and determined that he was going to do this.

I cooked Jihyun some food for his dinner and I even made Jungkook some. I couldn't make food for Jihyun and not offer him any, it would make me feel bad.

Both boys ate it all up and something caught my eye watching the two. It was the way they moved, it was creepy, you know how in the movies you see children copying their parents movements at the dinner table, well that's what Jihyun and Jungkook were doing. They both moved in sync together, from taking a drink to how they chew their food. It was hella creepy, I had to look away a few times or there were times I couldn't.

Anyway after it was bath time. I started making the bath while Jungkook had Jihyun in the bedroom helping him choose his pyjamas for after his bath.

There was a soft knock on the front door so I shouted through to the boys that I'll go get it.

Once I got to the door I opened it to reveal Mia and Jennie with all smiles, they don't even wait for me to tell them to come in they just walked past me and into the living room.

"Well hello to you too guys!"

I laughed lightly and Jennie chuckled while Mia just remained smiling and shrugged.

"You said you wanted to talk to us, it's sounded urgent but Jennie just told me downstairs that you have a date with Jungkook." Mia

I shushed her and leaped over to place my hand on her mouth.

"Why? Where's Jihyun?" Jennie

"Jungkooks here, he's about to give Jihyun a bath."

"What?! He's here? Again?" Mia

I shushed again and now my second hand goes onto Jennie mouth.

"Shush! He'll hear you! We'll have to talk quietly I don't want him to hear what I have to say."

"Hey y/n, I'm gonna put Jihyun in the bath now."

Jungkook now comes walking through from the hallway. He stops to stare at the two girls with me but then breaks out into a smile and waved.

"Oh hey! Erm, y/n? Why do you have your hand on their mouths?" Jungkook

I look back at Mia and Jennie and then back to Jungkook and removing my hand from their mouths.

"Oh no reason."

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

"Okay then. Well I'm putting Jihyun in the bath now." Jungkook

I nod at him and watch him walk away again down the hallway. Once I heard a door close and Jihyuns little laughter, I turned back to face my friends again.

"He's here a lot now y/n." Mia

"I know, he insisted on helping tonight with Jihyun. I don't know why but they're oddly close."

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