Chapter 16

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Today my baby is 4 years old and I couldn't be more prouder. My little baby is growing up so fast and I just wish it wasn't as fast as it was. It seemed like yesterday he was a tiny little baby but now he's like a little boy with a mind of his own.

His party went smoothly thank goodness. Thankfully Mia and Jennie were there to help me, they've never missed his birthday and Hobi came and so did Jungkook. I wasn't surprised to be honest, which also reminds me that I needed to have words with Hobi. I did come home yesterday to find an white envelope laying on the floor as I walked into my apartment. On it was written my name and the words DNA TEST RESULTS.

I haven't had the guts to open, I think when I do it would sink in more to who jihyuns father is. I was going to show Hobi this if he was going to say he doesn't know who jihyuns father is.

Hobi walked into the kitchen with a bag of rubbish while we were all cleaning up the mess of the aftermath of the party. Mia and Jennie were in the living room helping me take down some decorations while Jungkook kept Jihyun busy in his room.

"Will you two be okay for a moment? I still need to have words with Hobi."

They both nodded and carried on picking up rubbish.

"Sure." Mia


I smiled at them both and picked up the white envelope from the drawer of a small unit in the corner of the living room. I had been hiding it in there all day. No one knew what it was but me even Mia and Jennie didn't know about it so while they were distracted I quickly tucked the envelope into by jeans on my back and covered it with my T-shirt. I didn't have pockets big enough to fit.

After that I made my way to the kitchen, mentally preparing myself for what I was going to discuss with Hobi. When I walked in he was squatted down at the kitchen sink with the cupboard open.

"Hobi can I talk to you?"

He turned around and frowned.

"What's up?" Hobi

I stood up and kicked the doors closed and walked over to take a seat at the small metal framed table I had int he corner of the kitchen. I took a deep breath and sat down too, just across from him.

"Can I ask you something?"

He sighed and brushed his hair back.

"Oh I think I know what this will be about. It's about jihyuns father isn't it?" Hobi

I wasn't too shocked to hear him ask that question. Those boys seem to tell each other everything so maybe Jimin or Jungkook already spoke to him about this or maybe even warned him just in case.

"It is. Why didn't you tell me you knew who his father was?"

He stared down at the table in silence. His hands on his lap and nibbling on his bottom lip.

"Come on I know you know just tell me the truth Hobi."

"Fine. I know who he is, I know I should of told you but it was hard to accept that he was really capable of doing that to you." Hobi

"You should of told me."

He nods and finds the courage to look up at me.

"I know. I know I should of but I had known him a long time. We've all known each other longer than what you'd think." Hobi

I kind I felt guess that by now. Thinking back they did a great job in hiding it but now when they talk about themselves in school there was little clues but not great ones.

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