Chapter 26

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It's been four months I've had to deal with the constant reminder of what I did to y/n. She's clearly not the same girl she was before and I've completely ruined her in some way.

At school I've noticed how she puts on this fake smile and keeps more to herself where as before she would literally just speak to anyone and I always admired her for that.

But lately she's been different, much different and I don't understand why. I can't put my finger on it but I think Hoseok knows her problem since they're so close and he's been, a little more to himself as well but snaps at me when I so much as breath too heavily as he says. He's a little short tempered right now and I think it has something to do with y/n.

I think about it all the time like I always think of y/n, anything revolved around her I think about. She's my love, my obsession and I can't help it.

Hiding at my locker comes in handy since I can literally watch her from across the hall like I am right now at her with Mia and Jennie.

Shes gorgeous as always but I couldn't help the guilt within me looking at her side eyes.

I watched how she kept her head down walking through the crowd of people as the bell rings. I slammed my locker shut and start to wake after her to class. I made sure I share every class with her but I stop when I heard someone mention her name.

It was Joshua, the class clown and practically everyone's friend, he knows everyone. He was with a group of people that started walking in the opposite direction than me so I ran towards him to see what that was about. If her name was mentioned then it concerns me.

"Hey did you say something about y/n?"

I spun him around with a grip on the shoulder. At first he was startled but realised it was me and broke out in a smirk.

"Well yes I did. Have you not heard about her recent news?" Joshua

I rolled my eyes but shook my head.

"No I haven't. What news?"

I swear if it's anything bad then I'm gonna lose it. She better not of slept or kissed anyone else of if someone else touched her I will be hitting someone by the end of the day.

"She's pregnant." Joshua



It took me a moment to think about what he said.
Did he really just say that?

"A-are you sure? Who's the father?"

I asked but I'm pretty sure I already know that answer. He shrugged his shoulders and pulled his book bag more up his shoulder.

"No one knows. She also claimed she was raped too." Joshua

She's telling people that?

"Where did this come from? Did you hear this from her?"

I've seen them speak a few times but not a lot in the last few months.

"No I didn't. I heard about it from rose who over heard her and her friends talk about it in the girls bathroom." Joshua


Remind me to deal with her later.

"Do you believe she was, you know?"

I hinted towards the word. I can't bring myself to say it knowing it was me that did it.

"I don't know to be honest. We've both know her for a long time Jungkook but I don't know what to believe but all I can say is that if she was a pity her." Joshua

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