Chapter 24

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I waited patiently for hobi to meet me here at the very cafe we agreed to meet up at.

We would come here for lunch when I worked at Jungkooks office and it's a pretty nice place and I love the smoothies they make here and the chocolate cakes they make. Yum.

I always ordered that when I was on my lunch break. He would moan because it wasn't healthy to have chocolate cake every day for lunch but I would argue with the fact I had a smoothie to make up for it.

I'm nervous yet excited at the same time to see Hobi. I feel ready to talk to him about all this stuff going on and if I'm coming to the idea of Jungkook seeing Jihyun then I should at least try and make things right with Hobi too. I still consider him like a brother to me, even after everything.

As I waited for Hobi I haven't yet ordered as I want to talk first before anything else, plus I'm way too nervous to eat anything.

I kept to myself as I waited for him and it was only a couple minutes past one o'clock so I wasn't going to just rush out because of that, but when I heard the bell of the cafe ring through out the room, I just knew it was Hobi without even having to look. I can just tell.

I didn't look to the direction of the door but soon after his figure appeared standing next to the table from the corner of my eye. I held in my smile to turn and look up at him.

He actually looked just as nervous as I did but showed me a slightly smile on his lips but was a little wary whether to smile or not.

"Hi y/n. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long." Hobi

This time I do return his smile and I noticed how he dropped his shoulders a little when he seen that I had.

"Hello, Hobi. No you didn't I only just got here a few minutes ago."

"Did you not want to order something?" Hobi

He pulled out his chair from across the table and I shook my head.

"No, not until after we have a little chat."

He pierced his lips together and nodded lightly to then place both his hands on his lap.

"Okay then." Hobi

He mumbled and drifted his eyes over the table
In front of us.

"So how've you been Hobi? Like honestly, how've you been these past few weeks."

His eyes met mine and they were covered in nothing but sadness, guilt and even a little worry in there. He sighed and rolled his shoulders back.

"To be honest with you, not good. Every since you found out what I had been keeping from you, it made feel ten times worse from keeping this big, huge secret from you. It's been eating me up for years and I'm truly, so very sorry for that." Hobi

He stared me right in the eyes as he spoke and as myself, Hobi, Jennie and Mia have always done is we always look each other in the eyes when we tell the truth and he was staring at me in the eyes when he said I'm sorry but he didn't actually need to say it out loud. His eyes spoke for him in that department.

"I know you are Hobi. I just got upset that you hid this from me, all these years and you knew what I was going through and you said nothing."

He nods sadly and looks down at the table again. His eyes became teary and it almost broke my heart to see him this torn and down. He's always the happy and cheery type of person.

"I don't need your forgiveness y/n. I don't deserve it. I was just so unsure what to do when I found out, I just knew in the whole situation that one of you would get hurt by my actions of either speaking out or not and unfortunately that was you. I'm sorry." Hobi

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