Chapter 55

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I was taken aback when Jungkook grabbed my arm tightly to the point I'm sure he left a bruise and almost dragged me all the way back to his office just to throw me to the floor slamming his door shut. I didn't dare move though when he told me to stay where I was and not move. I'm only here to do what I came to do and judging by the way he is right now I think it would be wise to keep my mouth shut and do as I'm told for now.

I watched him storm over to his desk first making a call about Jihyun which I can assume is the day care downstairs. I was only watching Jihyun because I was taking secretive pictures of him but not for Mr Jeon but for Y/n. Over the last few months I have grown to pity her for reasons I don't understand myself expect realise that she is just innocent in all this and totally unfair. So I wanted to cheer her up with taking pictures to show Y/n but I knew at some point I would be caught and that is what I wanted. This is all part of my plan.

Jungkook glares at me as he hangs up his first call just to dial another number while his sights were fully kept on me as if he were daring me to move just to see what would happen. Those dark eyes that bore into me, I could tell he wanted to kill me, reminding me that his eyes could of been the same thing my brother Jaehyun had seen but I did tell that ass he was stupid for getting involved in all this. After I did my part years ago I wanted to stay out of all of it but after Jaehyuns body was found I ended up back in this but now I just want back out and the best way for that is to surrender myself to Jungkook and explain myself and as well as tell him where Y/n is and who is behind this is he doesn't know already.

I didn't really listen to Jungkook on the phone but I could only assume it's his friends that I also know work in this building. He's most likely telling them I'm right here and now I just wait here to see what happened next.

Jungkook slams his phone back down again and I flinch to how loud he slams it and he stomps over to my grabbing my arm and forcing me to stand up just to throw me on the couch and point his finger in my face, gritting his teeth together

"You're fucking lucky that I need answers from you or I would of killed you the moment you stepped into my office you bitch!" Jungkook

I only stare up at him, not saying anything just yet. If he's anything like his father which I know he is it's best that I keep my mouth shut and let him do all the talking until I'm asked a question. I'm sure they're both alike and maybe even Jihyun might be like this too when he's older.

Jungkook then begins to pace around the room side to side constantly that it was giving me a headache but soon enough his office door opens and in comes all his friends that I remember so well from school. Even Taehyung comes in too glaring at me as soon as he laid eyes on me but I couldn't help but still think of how handsome he is. I've always had a crush on him in school and seeing him now I know that hasn't gone away.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Hoseok

I remember his voice and face all too well as being Hoseok who was best friends with both Y/n and Jungkook but at the time the two were on acquaintances with crushes on each other. Even a blind person could notice that with the way Jungkook and Y/n would look at each other before that party that changed pretty much everyone that was involved that night.

"I don't know but I'm gonna fucking kill her if someone doesn't question her because if I do I wont be able to control myself." Jungkook

His dark tone sent shivers down my spine and I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. Namjoon comes to sit in front of me on the coffee table between the two couches that now have who I believe to be Jimin and Jin sitting calmly behind him but when I look over my shoulder I only see Taehyung and Yoongi as if they stood behind me so I didn't try any funny business around them.

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