Chapter 34

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A few days have past by now and I'm back at work. Jihyun is at day care as usual and it's almost time for my shift to end.

I can't wait to get home after I pick up Jihyun, it's been a long day and I would love nothing more than a hot bath tonight when Jihyun goes to bed.

Currently I have to only finish stocking up the selections of fresh fruits on the shelves and I'll be able to go home. Jennie was in today but her shift ended two hours ago since she opened up shop this morning and I came in soon after. She wanted to stay with me but she was so tired I just told her to go home.

"Y/n could I speak to you for a moment please?"

I stopped stoking up the small packs of blueberries and turned around to the sound of my managers voice.

"Sure. What's up?"

He walks over to me and comes to a stop next to the boxes that I still have to unpack of fruit.

"Wendy called in to say she would be coming in late. There was an accident or something and she'll be a little later than exceeded. So could you stay for that extra hour please? Just until Wendy comes in then you'll be free to go." Manager

I sighed in frustration. I have to pick up Jihyun from daycare they shut at six so if I have to stay I won't be able to pick up Jihyun in time.

"I don't know, I have to pick up Jihyun from daycare."

"Is there anyone that could pick him up for you? Anyone at all? Jennie maybe? Or your other friend?" Manager

I could ask them but I don't know if they'll be able to.

"Could I call them and let you know? I'm really not sure about this I'm sorry."

"No it's okay. Just give someone a call and let me know. I'll do this while you go to the back and see if you can manage." Manager

"Thank you."

He nods and I walk away already taking my phone out my pocket. We're not suppose to have our phones on us while working but I do it anyway just in case something comes up from jihyuns day care or something.

When I made it to the staff room that was currently empty I sat down on the nearest table and clicked on Jennies number. It rang many times but she didn't answer. I tried twice but no answer, she must be sleeping so I tired Mia.

There was no answer but I'm not surprised she would still be at work I just wanted to take my chances. Then I tried Hobi but I remembered he had a meeting this evening at work so to no surprise he didn't answer. I then tried my chances with Jin but nope no answer.

Then one person came to mind. I don't know why I didn't think of him to begin with so I called him and with in a few rings he answered the call but he was whispering.

"Y/n? Is everything okay?" Jungkook

"Hi, no everything is fine. I, er, I was wondering if I could ask for a favour?"

"Sure, just name it I'll do it." Jungkook

"Could you pick up Jihyun from daycare for me please? I mean only is you're not busy of course."

"Is there something wrong?" Jungkook

I could sense his frown through his worried tone in his voice. It still amused me that he was still whispering.

"No nothings wrong. It's just I won't be able to get off work in time to pick Jihyun up since I've been asked to stay an extra hour. I can't get a hold of anyone."

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