Chapter 56

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Its been weeks now since I found out that I'm pregnant and I'm getting more and more scared as the days go by. I'm stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, just staring at my stomach that was already starting to show, I'm starting to show quicker than I did when I was pregnant with Jihyun. I cant have Mr Jeon know about this baby, I just cant. There's no telling what he would do, he's unpredictable but even with having dinner with him last night as he requested, he didn't notice or say anything about it.

However since then Yeri, has also been more nicer to me, especially this last week. She was brave enough to go to the building that Jungkook works at and managed to take pictures of Jihyun for me in day care, safe and sound. I could tell on his little pout in some of them that he's not happy but then there is others of him smiling as he finger paints or plays with cars like he loves to do. It surprises me that she doesn't get caught doing this but I don't really focus much more on that, only that I get to see the pictures of my son. That just gives me confirmation that Jungkook is keeping him safe but then I question how Yeri, can just walk in there and not get spotted by any of them. Jungkook is keeping that place secure isn't he?

My mind is always filled with concerns and worries about everyone I care about. I worry for the safety of my unborn child, for the safety of Jihyun in case Mr Jeon decides to snatch him somehow but I'm starting to think he might not be able to because Jihyun is with Jungkook all the time. Well that's what I think but I know it's true. Jihyun will be Jungkook's main priority and so it should be. Then I also worry about Jungkook's mentality in all this. I know how he feels about me and I just hope he keeps it all together and sticks to his medication for the sake of Jihyun. I miss them so much, everyone.

Caressing my growing belly, that I gaze at in the mirror to I sigh to myself just to pull my shirt back down and leave the bathroom, to walk to my bed and pull out my book that I had been keeping notes in escaping. I still plan on it but I'm running out of time. In the rate my belly seems to be growing give it another couple weeks and I wont be able to.

Opening my book, and taking my pen I also read over my notes of times and days deliveries come and Mr Jeon requests to see me and when Yeri comes and goes. A tear slips my from my eye but I quickly wipe it away. I just want out of here and I'm losing my mind being stuck in this room all the time.

There was a sudden bang, a loud thud of some sort and the bedroom door slams open with a blank faced Yeri. I quickly closed my book and placed it under the pillow so she would see it.

"You wont be needing that book anymore Y/n. Stand up." Yeri

There was no emotion in her voice and it scared the hell out of me. I didn't say anything but stand up from the bed but very cautious to what this could be about.

"Now come with me." Yeri

She quickly grabs my upper arms and yanks me along with her towards the bedroom door, as I stumble over my feet to how quick she moves but once we exit the room she stopped just to look in both directions of the long corridor.

"This way." Yeri

She again pulls at my arm and we begin to storm down the corridor but a loud pop wnet off and I squealed in fright and Yeri stops just to look over her shoulder briefly but then pulls me harder in the direction we were going to in the first place.

"Y/n, run. We have to run." Yeri

We began to run but it wasn't like I had much choice since she was already running very quickly so I had no choice but to run along side with her.

"Yeri, where are we going? What was that?"

I really had no clue what was going on and I was scared out of my mind but she lead me all the way to the dining room that Mr Jeon requests that I eat with him in. She's bringing me to Mr Jeon isn't she?

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