Chapter 30

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I can't believe what we just watched.

After Jin burst into Jungkook bedroom as we talked he told us it was a video tape from one of many cameras around his parents house the night of the party. Jin said he stole all the footage from that night so his parents wouldn't give him in trouble for having a party and he assured me there was no camera in any bedrooms of the house at the time and I was thankful for that.

This tape Jin found was of all of us in that games room playing truth or dare just how I remembered it. BUT something in that tape shocked all of us and after watching it we decided to call everyone that was there that night to come and watch it for themselves.

I called Mia and Jennie to come while Yoongi called Namjoon to come home as well as Jin calling Taehyung and Jimin to come home since everyone needs to watch it. It's quite disturbing and none of us there that night noticed anything.

Since watching it Jungkook hasn't said a word but say across the room from me on the sofa, legs curled up to his chest and glaring at the coffee table. Hobi was next to me but staring carefully at Jungkook who looks like he's going to explode at any minute. But I've noticed when he starts to breathe heavily Jungkook quickly looks at me and I just look away ignoring him with his eyes on me until I know he's looked away again.

Within the hour everyone started to arrive and totally confused to what was going on.

Jin was frantic about the video and after watching it a second time everyone but him was silent. I didn't know what to think of it and it kind of makes a little sense to what Jungkook did in a way.

"Why is no one freaking out about this?! Especially you two!" Jin

He stood in front of the tv pointing at both myself and Jungkook who now had his eyes closed with his head hung back against the sofa and his legs now stretched out over the edge of his seat no longer pressed against him. His fists were balled up by his sides and I couldn't take my eyes off him for some reason.

"Well?! Where do we find this bitch?!" Jin

"Jin calm down, of course we're going to find her." Yoongi

"Taehyung! Do you know where she is now?" Jin

He glares at Taehyung who sheepishly shrugged with his hands in pockets standing just behind Jungkook still seated on the sofa.

"I haven't heard from her since school. So I have no clue. Sorry." Taehyung

"Well I'm gonna kill her when next time I get my hands on her ever again. To think she drugged Jungkook like that and that affected my best friend, she has a whole load of karma coming her way." Mia

"I think everyone is on the same page with that one. We'll find her and we'll deal with her." Jimin

Jin groans and tossed the remote to the side next to Jungkook and starts to walk out the room towards where I think the kitchen may be.

"I need a drink." Jin

"Right behind you." Mia

She stood up and followed Jin to the kitchen with Namjoon following close behind them.

"Are you okay y/n?" Hobi

He patted my leg as he still sat by my side and Jennie sitting on my other.

"Yes I'm fine. It's all just crazy that's all."

He nods and takes my hand in his. I heard Jungkook scoff and stand up from the sofa to quickly walk out.

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