Chapter 9

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I couldn't focus today.

What that man said last night as been burning into my mind all night and I can't get over it. After processing what he said, it made me think about somethings.

Did Jungkook really know more about that night then he let's on?
Does his friends know too?
Would that be why they were so nice to me in school?
Does hobi know more then he lets on?
Or does it also imply to Mia and Jennie?

So many questions that I want the answers to. But one thing I don't want answered is who the father is. Of course over the years I've always wondered if it was someone I knew or just a random guy in my school. I just don't know.

"Erm y/n? Hey!" Jungkook

His hand comes to view while I was staring into space. I shake my head out my thought and look up to Jungkook frowning at me.

"Are you okay? You look exhausted." Jungkook

I weakly smiled at him.

"I'm okay."

He narrowed his eyes at me with his hands on his hips.

"Really? You know what y/n follow me to my office." Jungkook

He flicked his finger at me and turned around to walk back into his office so I followed him in and closed the door behind me.

"Did Jihyun have a nightmare again last night?" Jungkook

No. For once he didn't. I was just up most of the night thinking about all this stupid stuff that I shouldn't even been thinking about in the first place.

I shook my head at Jungkook.

"No he was fine last night actually. It's just my own problems."

He tilts his head at me and put one hand in his pocket to then point at the empty sofa in the room.

"How about you take a seat and tell me about it?" Jungkook

I shook my head at him. I couldn't tell him.

" no no. It's okay. Hopefully I can just get an early night tonight."

I faked smiled at him while he sighed at me.

"Y/n I'm not letting you out this office until you tell me what's been on your mind." Jungkook

This time I sigh and I think he's serious by the look of his serious yet almost expressionless face. I walk over to the sofa he pointed at and sat down while he sat on a little foot stool in front of me and took my hands in his large ones.

"You can talk to me you know. I may be your boss now but we're friends aren't we?" Jungkook

I nodded shyly at him. Just him taking my hands into his was making me blush.

"See and friends help each other by listening to each other's problems. If you've got one just let me know and I'll listen." Jungkook

I thought for w moment. Should I really tell him about this guy from last night? Oh heck what's the harm, plus I want to see his reaction when I tell him someone says he knows more then he lets on.

"When I was walking home last night with Jihyun some guy came out the shadows to talk to me."

"You talked with a stranger? What did he say?" Jungkook

He slightly tightened his hands around mine but it wasn't painful.

"He told me he knows who Jihyun father is, since he seen him take me into the bedroom and then leave after."

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