Chapter 11

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Jungkook had been gone for at least an hour now, which concerned me slightly since he's never been gone for this long, even when he's had meetings he's always checked in with me and he's not done that.

I even phoned Jin to ask if he was okay and he reassured me Jungkook was fine but when I first asked he seemed a little too unsure to answer but told me that Jungkook was okay and he'll be up soon.

All I could do was process some files on the computer systems and move them into the correct order. While I was doing that my phone ran and I immediately picked it up.

"Hello Mr jeons Office how may I help you?"

"It's good to hear your voice again y/n."

Oh no.

"How did you find out where I worked?"

"Don't worry it's not you I'm watching. It's Mr jeon, you just happens to be there now working as his new assistant. Am I right?" Man

I nod in the phone, even with knowing he won't see me.

"Yes. Why are you watching Jungkook?"

"Oh so he allows you to call him by first name does he? Interesting." Man

"Look what do you want? Why are you calling me?"

"I wanted to talk to you. I'm sure you have a few questions after our last encounter last night. I'm willing to answer them all if that's what you want." Man

"What would you get out of answering my questions? I don't have any money to pay you for that."

The man laughs down the phone.

"No I don't want your money y/n. What I get is to simply watch Jungkook squirm on his own by the hands of his own doing. His weakness and that weakness just so happens to be you and your little boy. It always has been and always will be." Man

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"How about we meet up again sometime? I think it would be better that way. Plus I bet you've even spoken to Jungkook about this and I already know what he's going to do before he even does it." Man

"Oh yeah what's that?"

The man laughs again. I don't see how he would find this all amusing.

"Do you really think after your talk with him he'll be in a good mood. No he wouldn't so he'd go out for a couple early afternoon drinks. Nothing strong enough to get him drunk though. Then he's going to burst back through the doors and then offer to take you home form now on so you don't run into me again. Which is why I suggested to meet in person." Man

"How could I possibly do that?"

"Well it couldn't be in public. Mr Jeon, would easily have you and your son followed from now on. So how about I come to you. I happen to live close by so for someone to see me walk into your building wouldn't be anything new." Man

I gasp at what he said.

"You know where I live?"

"Yes I do, but again that was an accident." Man

"How could that be an accident?"

"Well like I told you I follow Mr Jeon. I've seen him walking into your building and for months now I've followed him to simply stop and watch your building." Man

"For months? But I've only reunited with Jungkook for a couple weeks."

He laughs again.

"Oh I know. I told you I know a lot and so does Mr Jeon. Your friends can't be trusted either Y/n. They've known since the beginning." Man

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