Chapter 27

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Dang it!

Jin dropped off Jihyun earlier but I just realised Jihyun must of left his stuffed Spider-Man plushie. He wanted to take it to show Jungkook today since he just got it a last week. I saw it last weekend when he was at Jungkooks and thought he'd like it and he's been sleeping with it ever since and I just know he won't be happy if he doesn't have it tonight.

Thankfully right now Jihyun was busy watching his cartoons on the tv while eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream with sprinkles.

Jihyun had been home a few hours now and I only just realised now that it's not here and I'll need it back very soon.

So while he was distracted now I picked up my phone and headed towards the kitchen and stood next to the sink, while scrolling on my phone looking for jins number until I found it and pressed his number to call him.

I stood there waiting for him to pick up as it rang in my ear but it continued to ring until it went through to voicemail. It was odd so I tried again and still no answer.

So I decide to call Hobi since I know he lives there too.

After a few rings he finally picked up but when he did I could hear some sort of commotion in the back ground.

"Hey y/n what's up?" Hosoek

"Hey Hobi, are you at home right now?"

"Is that y/n?!" Jungkook

I ignored his outburst and focused more on Hobi. It's been a while since I heard his voice and I did miss it but this isn't about him right now.

"S-sure, I'm home. Why?" Hobi

"Jihyun forgot his spider man plushie and I was wondering if he did leave it at your house?"

"Erm, hold on I'll see if it's in the living room." Hobi

"Great thanks."

There was a few more background nosies and what must be hobi's foot steps.

"Yeah y/n I have it here. Would you like me to bring it over?" Hobi

I sighed in relief, thank goodness for that and he'd be doing me a massive favour for this.

"Oh yes please Hobi. That would be fantastic."

He chuckled on the other end.

"Okay cool. I'll come over wi-" Hobi

"No I'll do it!" Jungkook

I froze at his comment. Sure lately I've felt like I've started to miss him, maybe because I know he sees Jihyun more now and for some unknown reason my anger has started to subside. Maybe it's because of all the magical stories Jihyun tells me about his time with Jungkook.

"Ahh, no Jungkook that's not a good idea." Hobi

Clearly he's talking to Jungkook right now and must of turned away from his phone to speak since his voice didn't sound as loud as before.

"What?! Why not? Im more that capable of driving!" Jungkook

"You've been drinking you dumbass! No way!" Jin

There was a smash of something that sounded like glass and I flinched because I didn't expect that.

"So what? That's my sons teddy! And I will hand it back!" Jungkook

I shivered at the word son. It may be true but it's still weird to think about.

"Over my dead body!" Jin

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