Chapter 8

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I would say today was a good first day. So far Jungkook is really ease to work with, he lets me just get on with my work and is willing to help me out here and there with some things.

This morning Jungkook insisted on showing us where the day care was within the building even though Yoongi could of showed me since he told me his office is the closest to the day care within the building.

Jihyun so easily said goodbye to me but refused to let go of Jungkook but Jungkook promised to see him at lunch time and he told me that it went really well since I didn't go with him. I wanted to get some files done and eat at my desk. I wasn't going to have anything but Jungkook insisted since I wasn't going to join him at lunch with my son.

I know it's weird to even let him have lunch with my son but they get on so well and it's not like he could do anything in a well secured building with a lot of camera in almost every corner.

When it reached the end of the day Jungkook was in his office on the phone but I silently said my goodbyes and left to get Jihyun before it gets too late. He needed fed, bathed and bedded.

"Mommy!" Jihyun

His voice was the first thing I heard as soon as I opened the windowed door to the day care. His little face popped up from around the little book shelf and he ran over with open arms. He was in a good mood at least. I was worried he would be a little cranky from his first day. I opened up my arms for him and squatted down to hug him tight. I've missed him today, even though it's only been a few hours but he's my baby after all.

"Hi baby did you have fun?"

He nodded into my shoulder as I caressed the back of his head and kissed his little cheek. He pulled away to run off to a hanger that held his jacket.

"I had so much fun mommy! Can I come back?" Jihyun

I laughed at him as I walked over to him and grabbed his spider man bag to put it over my shoulder.

"Of course! You'll be back tomorrow."

"Yes! Kookie said I would be!" Jihyun

His excitement was shot lived when he started struggling putting one arm in his sleeve, sticking out his tongue in concentration. I adored and smiled to then help him put on the jacket and zip it up for him.

"Oh hello!"

I new voice came from behind me. I turned around to see a woman, maybe a little bit older than me with short brown hair and tall figure.

"Hi, I'm Jihyuns mom, Y/n. It's nice to meet you."

I held out my hand with a friendly smile. She returned it and shook my hand back.

"I'm Eunha, I'm one of the day care assistants. I'm sorry I must of missed you this morning." Eunha

I picked up Jihyun in my arms and continued to smile at the woman.

"That's okay. It's lovely to meet you."

"You too. I must say I'm amazed at the relationship between Mr jeon and your son. I couldn't help but watch them during lunch." Eunha

"I know right, they only met each other the other week and they have such a special bond."

I looked at my son in my arms and balanced him on one arm to stroke his hair lovingly. Eunha gasps and I looked back at her confused.

"Oh so Jihyun is not Jungkook's son?" Eunha

I widen my eyes at such a question and shook my head.

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