Chapter 6

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The sun was shining down on my face suddenly causing me to stir in sleep. I wasn't ready to wake up yet, I didn't want to but there would be no harm checking to see if my son was awake and if not then more sleep for me since I had a day off again this week. I stretched my arms out to the side, feeling the bed for Jihyun but it was empty.

I sat up in the bed, panic rushing through my body so fast, I could have a heart attack. He usually wakes me up when he wakes up before me when he's in my bed. Plus Jungkook wasn't here either. I swear to god if Jungkook kidnapped him, I'll kill him.

Jumping off the bed and sprinting out the bedroom, I ran to his bed room but no sign, Then I ran to the bathroom and living room but still no one. The apartment isn't big so where the hell are they?!

A small laugh came from the kitchen making me sigh in relief and wiping my face out of relief. My son is in the kitchen and he was laughing which is a good thing. I walked to the kitchen to find Jihyun sitting on the counter top next to Jungkook standing by the sink with his back to me.

Jihyun noticed me at the door, smiling away and still slightly laughing. I noticed he had a little bit of bubbles on the end of his nose.

"Mommy! Kookie put bubble on my nose!" Jihyun

He pointed at his nose with his little giggle. Jungkook slowly turned around to face me. He clearly changed his clothes, no longer wearing sweats but now black dress shoes, black trousers and matching black shirt that had rolled up sleeves. He looked very smart, plus Jihyun was changed but into his spider man costume.

"Good morning! We didn't want to wake you up so I made Jihyun breakfast, I hope you don't mind." Jungkook

He now grabs a small towel to the side to wipe his hands. I didn't quite know what to say but I appreciated the act, but this is not why I wanted to him to stay over, to do things for me.

"Thank you Jungkook but you didn't have to."

He shrugs and lifts up Jihyun to place him back to the floor.

"It's the least I could do." Jungkook

Why does he keep saying that so much?

"I can make you something to eat if you'd like? Jihyun says you don't really eat breakfast but if you want something I can make something." Jungkook

I watch how Jihyun ran past me to the living room, leaving me and Jungkook in the kitchen alone.

"No thank you but Jungkook you're the guest here, I should be making you breakfast."

He shook his head at me and finally threw the towel back on the counter top and slowly took a few steps to me standing at the door.

"You know it's okay for someone to look after you once in a while." Jungkook

He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand softly, keeping eye contact with me as I stared at him, shocked and speechless by his actions. It sent shivers down my spine, unsure to whether it was good or bad shivers. I didn't know what to do but stay frozen in a trance like state unable to look away from him.

"Mommy, here's your paper." Jihyun

We both looked away from each other and Jungkook removed his hand and stepped back, allowing Jihyun to come into the kitchen waving what looks like the documents Jungkook gave me last night. I took them off him and he happily skipped away back to the living room, most likely to play with his toys.

"Jungkook what are these documents anyway?"

"Oh that's your contract you have to sign for the assistant position. You just need to sign a few of them and you're sorted to start working." Jungkook

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