Chapter 13

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( I decided to have a mystery POV. Maybe there will be another I don't know yet.)

(But please note Hoseok and Jin are not jihyuns father so they will have their names mentioned and the rest will be numbered. ??? will be baby daddy speaking, the others will be numbered.)

~??? POV~

My heart breaks every time I see Y/n in the halls or in fact anywhere in school

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My heart breaks every time I see Y/n in the halls or in fact anywhere in school. It's just a constant reminder of what I did to her and I've totally messed up her life in so many ways. I'll forever regret it.

I'm just like my father, it's like I have two personalities but I'm slowly getting better. I go to therapy now after what I did and I have to take medication since I can have a bad temper on me. I just hope to god my child doesn't end up like me and give y/n a hard time.

At school I watch y/n sometimes and I hate how people treat her but me and the guys sort out anyone that says too much and cross the line. I've spoken to her a few times but she barely speaks much back, mostly just a few words per sentence. All of this has completely destroyed her and I'm not surprised. Now a days though when I do speak to her I can't help but look at her bump. It's much more noticeable now and it makes it all the more real. My child is inside her and I may never be able to hold them or get to know them. It crushes me but I deserve it, I don't deserve to be a father.

I punish myself ever day, watching her just like the guys but they do it because their my friends and they feel bad for what I had done to her. Heck I almost lost Hoseok as my friend because if it.

I watched him walk y/n and Mia home today. Once they all entered the house, I ran through the trees nearby in the woods to our secret hideout. Our hang out place, a place we hang out as friends since no one really knows that we're all friends since our fathers work together so we grew up together but didn't let anyone think we ever did.

I heard laughter from the tree house already, maybe I'm the last one here besides Hoseok?

I sprinted up the steps and stormed through the door, silencing everyone already here.

"Hey you could be a bit more careful with the door." Jin

I sighed and threw my school bag to the floor and threw myself on a nearby bean bag on the floor.

"I'm not in the mood."

"You're never in the mood, you're always in a bad one these days." Person 3

"Yeah but do you blame him after doing what he did with the love of his life." Person 4

I looked at him from across the room.

"She's not the love of my life. I just like her as a person."

The two exchanged glances with hidden grins while I rolled my eyes and hanged my head back wiping my face with my hands.

"Sure if that what you want to call, okay then." Person 3

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