Chapter 17

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~??? POV~

When Hoseok called me to tell me y/n was in labour we both drove to the hospital. We couldn't be seen and I knew out of the two of us I had no right to be there but I couldn't help it. I wanted to make sure they would both y/n and my son would be okay.

Hoseok didn't receive the call himself but he's been secretly tracking y/n, Jennie and Mia's phones and computers. Especially around y/ns due date so when he heard Mia had called jennie to meet her at the hospital we both knew it was time.

We've both been trained on how to enter a building without being seen since we actually will be doing more than just normal business that would just be our cover. So getting in the hospital undetected was easy we just had to think of a way to get close enough to y/n to know what's happening with her. The only thing that came to mind was to find doctors scrubs and mask as well as a hat to cover most of ourselves and walk around the hospital.

Walking around dressed as a Doctor was no problem, no one took any second glances or asked questions just a simple nod or hello was all we got from nurses and other doctors as we made our way to the maternity ward where y/n was.

"Mia said she's in room 4." Hoseok

I only nodded. I was so nervous about even being here, there's a very small chance we would get caught but it's not impossible. It's even greater if y/n, Mia or Jennie see us. They might recognise us and it's been two months since the two of us had seen any of them in person.

As we walked along the corridor of the maternity ward after coming out the elevator my heart was literally doing somersaults in my chest. Judging by the multiple groans and shouts from some of the rooms y/n is not the only woman in labour.

Out of panic I stopped and grabbed Hoseok as he was looking around for her door number.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok

"I don't think I can do this. I shouldn't even be here in the first place."

He sighs and grabs my shoulder.

"Let's just find her room, see if she's okay and the baby and then we'll leave. Okay?" Hoseok

I shook my head.

"I can't. I should leave."

I turned to walk back they way I came but he just grabbed me by the arm to stop me going anywhere.

"No, you're staying here. This would our last chance to see them for a very long time so if this our time now we're BOTH going to take it." Hoseok

He stared me dead in the eyes. I could only see his eyes since the mask covered most of his face but I wouldn't need too his tone was more evident that he was dead serious. And I know he's not wrong about this.

"You'll regret it if you don't at least see him for the first time." Hoseok

"You shouldn't be helping me see him. I have no right to see him."

He nods just once.

"That may be true but you forget I love you like a brother and what she doesn't know won't hurt them." Hoseok

"But she's your best friend too."

"She is but like I said she doesn't know." Hoseok

He tugged on my arm and started walking, pulling me with him.

"Let's go find room number 4." Hoseok

I sighed and started counting the numbers on the doors and next to each door was a window showing the inside of the rooms. Some had their blinds closed and some didn't.

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