Chapter 61

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I wanted to take Jihyun with me so bad but because he doesn't know the real reason to why I was away I didn't think it was best. But he was super happy that he found out he's going to have a sibling, he kept speaking about it all morning and it was just the cutest thing ever.

It's good to know that he's happy about it, a small part of me worried he wouldn't be happy about it but he was which is just amazing.

Going to the hotel that Yeri was staying at was kind of nerve wrecking since I'm only ever use to seeing her in that bedroom back at that hell hole. So to see her outside of that in a hotel room makes me anxious but with Jungkook by my side everything was okay. I didn't have to go but I wanted to because I want to thank her for helping me get out of there even if she was a big reason to why I was there in the first place. There's also Taehyung too that's here also, even if it was originally suppose to be just him coming to speak to Yeri but still, I don't think he minds. I personally think Taehyung didn't want to speak to Yeri alone so he was quietly thankful that we were coming with him.

Taehyung drove the to the hotel and parked it up just outside and the three of us walked inside the hotel. Taehyung was the only one that knew where to go and what room number so Jungkook and I just followed him there to the elevator first all the while Jungkook refused to let go of my hand and stuck himself to my side like glue. It was as if he was afraid I'd drift off somewhere and he's lose me again but Jin did warn me this morning when Jungkook was in the bathroom just before we left that Jungkook may be still a little uneasy about just the thought of me being away from him since it is true that Jungkook doesn't want to be too far away from me. He's okay back at his place because he knows I'm with his friends and mine who both stayed the night so its not too bad and I'm not far away.

The elevator stopped on a floor and Taehyung walked out first and Jungkook and I followed again. The three of us were quiet and didn't say anything to one another but walked along the long corridor until we came to a stop in front of a door with the number 31 on the front.

Taehyung took a breath, looking down to his feet and knocked on the door just to wait for someone to answer from the other side. It only took seconds before Yeri opened the door and finally appeared in the door way, she plastered a small smile towards Taehyung and myself but it dropped when she seen the way Jungkook was glaring at her. She sighed and stepped to the side to allow us to come in and I had to pull Jungkook along with me by the hand after walking behind Taehyung inside the hotel room.

Looking around the room it was quite nice actually, and Taehyung must of liked it too because I seen him looking around also and nodding to himself about the view of the room and he made himself a seat on the edge of her perfectly made up bed. It looked like she didn't even sleep in it.

I continued to pull Jungkook across the room towards the window and sat down but Jungkook refused to sit and stayed standing but stood directly behind me with his hands on my shoulders. Yeri closed the door and came back to the middle of the room just to stand in front of Taehyung but also keeping a distance.

"So how was your night Yeri?"

I asked her just to break this silence that was slowly killing me. She glance over to me, then to Jungkook and then back to Taehyung.

"It was okay. I didn't sleep much." Yeri


I didn't know what to say to that but she nodded and walked over to a bag to the side of the room, it looked more like a suitcase then anything else.

"But its okay, I'll be leaving the city and going back to my parents house to start over there" Yeri

"And where is that exactly? Far away from here I hope." Jungkook

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