Chapter 5

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I jumped up from bed at the sound of another one of Jihyun's screams from his night terrors. I know it's his nightmare but when he screams like that every time it scares me. Running to his room and bursting through the door and flicking on the light, I found him sitting up right in bed rubbing his eyes from the light.

He was so adorable in his spider man pyjamas and sticking up bed hair.

"Another nightmare baby?"

I asked him coming closer to pull him into a hug. He didn't talk but nodded and threw himself onto me, with his arms around my neck. I knew he wasn't going to go to sleep so I picked him up and brought him through to the living room.

Knowing exactly what to do now to put him to sleep, I turned on the stereo and played his favourite song again and danced about gently to the song. I did this the other night and he fell asleep, listening while cuddling in with me with movement. It didn't take long for his little snores to be heard but I didn't want to put him back to bed just yet, I'll have to out him in my bed so if he was to wake up he would have me lying next to him.

There was a soft knock on the door, which was weird in two ways. One, I have a door bell that is usually used and two, it's half past one in the early morning. I had no clue who would be knocking at this time so I turned off the stereo and walked to the door with Jihyun still in my arms. It can't be noise complaint I didn't even have the music that loud, it wasn't even half way up with volume it was only at least as loud as a tv would be. Looking through the peek hold first to see who it was and I immediately relaxed but confused to way this person would be here at this hour. I opened the door with a tired smile and pulled Jihyun up a little more since he was slipping in my hands.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here at this time?"

His eyes were soft upon settling his eyes on Jihyun. I assume he already has a soft spot for him since meeting him two days ago. I waved him in quickly so no chance of neighbours possible hearing us and he gladly walked in and I closed the door behind him.

"I came to give these documents." Jungkook

He held out a pile of paper towards me but I nodded to the coffee table in the living room behind him.

"Thank you but could you put them over there on the table please. I'll have a look at them in the morning."

"Sure." Jungkook

I watched him walk over to the table and drop them on top.

"Jungkook, don't mean to be rude but what time do you call this to be dropping off documents?"

He smiled, now walking back over closer to me still standing by the door.

"I was actually walking home from the gym when I saw your lights on. So I thought I'd drop them off while I passing by." Jungkook

"Why would you have the documents in your gym bag?"

"I picked them up when I left my office and went straight to the gym to relieve some stress. It's been a late night, as you can see." Jungkook

He chuckled and put his hands in his pockets now standing in front of me. I know just realised he was wearing a black baggy hoodie with grey sweat pants and black sneakers and his gym bag that was now on the floor. I must be too tired to notice he took it off.

"You look tired. I can take him to bed if you'd like?" Jungkook

He was frowning at me and held his hands out for Jihyun.

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