Chapter 19

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I'm heading to Jungkooks building to gather the rest of y/n stuff from her desk and hand in her notice to leave work. She's made the right decision in my opinion and starts working back at the super market tomorrow and myself and Jennie will take turns until next week looking after Jihyun.

Surely Jungkook would of gotten the picture that y/n doesn't want to work for him anymore but she called me crying last night saying he's been trying to call her and SHE is the one feeling guilty for now answering. She shouldn't feel that way so I'm gonna be buying her a new phone on my way back to her place after this.

She's like a sister to me, her and Jennie. Hobi use to be like a brother but I don't fully forgive him for keeping all of this from us. I mean how could he? He was like a brother to us, he screwed up all the trust we had for him. I don't know when I would talk to him again but only if y/n does. It wouldn't feel right to talk to him behind her back since he did disappear on us for four years and I never got over that.

But now I have to face Jungkook and I have to say I would love to punch him in the face this time. He deserves it and he's had it coming for years. To just come back into y/ns life like that, knowing what he did to her and then to act like it was nothing, he's got problems alright.

I step into the elevator confidently, I'm not scared to see him at all. I press his floor number that y/n told me to press and waiting in the elevator but it made a stop almost half way and someone I haven't seen in years comes in, equally shocked to see me too but still comes in to press the same button and stand next to me.

He didn't need to press the button since I already pressed it but okay.

"How have you been Mia? It's been a while."

He chuckled but he seems just as nervous as I am. I liked him a lot in school, I mean a lot. He showed me what it was like to be loved by a man and my first love. I've missed him terribly but he disappeared with hobi and it hurt. Not only did I cry about Hobi but him too. He's my weakness and he knows that.

"I've been okay. Thank you jin. How about you?"

Nervous was wasn't even the word right now. I felt so brave a minute ago but to see him face to face, all of that washed away.

"Just working away. I assume you're here to see Jungkook?" Jin

I nod and fold my arms over my chest.

"Yes I am. Y/n is no longer going to be working here so I'm here to pick up some stuff rom her desk and hand him her notice to quit."

"That's very understandable. He's actually been expecting this to come and it would explain why he's called me to his office right now too." Jin

I turned to more to look at him, I couldn't help but check him out in his black suit with a white shirt and dark blue tie, he's still mighty fine.

"He didn't tell you why he called you to his office?"

He shakes his head, to check my up and down, making me slightly nervous to what I was wearing.

"No, but now that I see you I assume it's because he has been watching the lobby's security cameras again and seen you." Jin

"Again? He always watches the camera's?"

He nods again.

"Yes, more than ever this past week and we've all ben trying to distract him from doing that." Jin

"He's looking for Y/n isn't he?"

Jin pauses to then look back at the elevator doors.

"Yes he is. He misses them both and doing things like that will drive him crazy and that's the last thing he needs right now." Jin

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