Chapter 46

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I wanted more.

But I was really nervous about it too but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I was willing to go to any level Jungkook was and if that was all the way then so be it. I wont regret anything that happens tonight, he's made our date night special it's just unfortunate that it had to end with bad weather which resulted in us staying the night in a hotel completely alone for the first time.

I call it fate.

With Jungkook lips still attached to mine did I feel like he was starting to finally relax to now know I didn't plan for this to stop anytime soon. I didn't. His body relaxes, now less tense when he shifts his body around to completely hover over me, his legs placed on each side of my waist but careful to keep a distance because well, he's naked as I am under his robe.

My hands were still firmly on the side of his face until I moved one hand around to the back of his head and tugged on his head earning a groan from him. Boy did that stir something inside him, to start fighting for more dominance to then push his tongue into my mouth which I haven't done before and it's new to me but I was loving his sudden aggressiveness and willing to submit.

My other hand that was on his face, I slid down to his lower back as far as I could reach and push him down to lay on top of me. He does, pushing his weight on me and I could feel his growing member through his robe. It turned me on even more, I wanted more.

I move my hips up into his and he hitches a breath and sits up, removing his lips from mine in panicked state.

"Y/n, should we even be doing this? I-I mean, after....uhh, after you know..." Jungkook

He looks down at me all worried with swollen lips but doesn't remove himself from sitting on my waist to look down.

"Jungkook it's fine. I'm fine, it's all okay."

"Really? You're seriously okay with what could happen?" Jungkook

The lines on his forehead creases when he frowns deeply, not too sure if he should believe me. He should because I want this to happen. I want him.

"Yes I want this to happen between us Jungkook. I want you."

Something flashed across his eyes, from frowning to now something I hadn't seen before. A smirk appeared on his lips curving upwards.

"What was that?" Jungkook

"I want you."

His smirk widens and he falls over me again to hover above me, his hands back to the sides of my head, pushing off the bed to keep himself up.

"Say it again." Jungkook

"I want you."

I whispered to him, now I was feel desperate for him the way he smirks down at me, inching closer until his lips with just an inch away from my own.

"One more time." Jungkook

"I. Want. You."

I whispered more slower when he watches my lips then he closes the gap between us to pair our lips back together again. Thought straight away did he dominate my mouth with his, showing me what power he has this time I was willing to accept whatever he has to offer. Instead of grabbing him this time I reached down to untie my robe because I had a feeling he would probably not be sure if he should or not but I want him to know just how serious I am, even if I'm nervous inside.

Undoing my robe did I pull it apart from underneath him to show my naked body to him, not that he could see just yet. I then reached for his own, to untie it but he doesn't stop me and I open it up for up to place my hands firmly on his bare chest for the first time. He flinched at the touch at first but then again relaxed all while still distracted as our lips try to devour each other.

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