Chapter 48

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I thanked the receptionist after she allowed me to use her phone at the desk to call a tow truck to get my car out of the ditch. I could of used my own phone but she insisted so to save any hassle I just accepted and gave the location of my car and my address to the man on the phone, it was all pretty simple really.

I thanked her afterwards but she ended up asking me for my number which I respectfully declined. I mean she did just see I checked out with another woman so what else was she expecting and it annoyed me greatly but I kept a fake smile on my face and just walked away afterwards.

To be honest this morning I felt amazing. I mean I didn't expect what happened last night tonight but I'm over the moon it did and then this morning I spoke to Jihyun on the phone which was even better. It made it feel like we were a real family but Y/n and I as the parents were on a little short break away and that's when the whole thought of Y/n not taking that pill came to mind.

Yeah sure I was lucky enough to witness Jihyun come into the world but she didn't know I was there and I would love more than anything to go through it all again with her but this time by her side and she knows about it this time. That's all I want with Y/n, is to have a family with her and make her life happy as well as my son's life.

Though it does make me nervous to what he would think when he finds out all this time I'm his real dad. But Y/n assures me that he already loves me so he would love it even more to find out that I am his dad, I just hope that shes right.

All the possibilities of the three of us together as a real family flood my mind as I walk away from the woman that annoyed me by her simple question. Y/n was waiting outside for me just in case Jin or someone was to show up and pick us up as that's what Yoongi told me when I explained to him what happened. I'm just not looking forward to the scolding we'll get for not letting them know about the change of plans, but it wasn't out fault there was no signal on our phones at all.

I don't really care that much to be honest because Y/n always puts me in a better mood by simply just standing in the same room as me. She lights up my world.

Walking outside I came to a stop in confusion when I couldn't see Y/n standing outside like she told me she would be. So I took careful steps down the three steps looking around cautiously in hopes to see her. But no, I cant seem to see her, even across the street or even wondering around to take a look at any shops.

Where is she?

She told me she would be outside waiting for me.

She wouldn't of just left without telling, would she?

No, no she wouldn't do that. She's not the type to ditch shes too polite and kind hearted to do that.

Maybe she walked back inside?

So after a double check of looking up and down the street did I walk back into the hotel and straight back to the receptionist who smiles at me and stands up to straighten her skirt whereas I just roll my eyes not in the mood for her flirty behaviour. I just want to know where my Y/n is.

"Excuse me but you didn't happen to see the girl I was with walk back in here while I was on the phone did you? She's not outside."

I tried to remain calm when I could feel my nerves and anxiousness start to get the best of me and try to remain calm. The woman dropped her smile and sat back down on her chair.

"No, I'm sorry sir but I haven't seen her since she walked out. It's possible she could of left you sir." Receptionist.

I closed my eyes to take a deep breath to keep my cool before I opened my eyes to speak to her again.

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