Chapter 20

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It's been two weeks since I've last seen Jungkook and I'd be lying if I said a small part of didn't miss him. I was truly starting to really like him, a lot. But what I found out about him ruined everything.

Mia bought me a new phone so Jungkook couldn't call me anymore and she told me all about the way he reacted to her and it was hard to believe.

Jihyun still asks about Jungkook but I just keep telling him that he's still busy with work. I feel bad lying to him about it but what else could I do about it.

Today Jihyun starts at his new daycare and he was so excited. Another thing I feel bad about is that he's been two at least three different day cares within the last two months. He needs a stable place and the only time I would ever remove Jihyun from the daycare he's in is when I move. I decided to save up money to move to a different apartment and out of desperation I think I'll need to skip one month of that money that comes into my account every month.

Now that I know it's Jungkooks money it feels dirty even more so than before. But I just remind myself it's for my son in the future, not me and I believe if I move to a new place Jungkook won't know where I am or my son.

I can't move out the city since I have so much here but I already spoke about a transfer to a different supermarket across the city and they're okay with that when I find a new place to live. Which would hopefully be soon.

All the thinking about the past and present and as well as the future with my son gives me a headache.
I popped some headache pills during my lunch break in the back room and couldn't bring myself to eat anything.

"Y/n, you really need to eat something." Jennie

I shook my head with my finger tips tapping on the lid of the water bottle on the table in front of me.

"You can't let this destroy you all over again. You've got Jihyun to look out for." Jennie

I nodded and sighed. Finally bringing myself out my thoughts to look at Jennie as she sits across the table from me. It's just me and her in the break room just now so there's no fear in talking about it when the door is closed.

"Jennie. I think I was starting to like Jungkook more than I thought."

I only admitted. It was the first time saying it out loud. I expected her to roll her eyes or scoff at me but she didn't. She nodded slowly with her lips pressed together.

"I know. Myself and Mia always knew you liked him a lot. Heck you allowed him to sleep in your bed with your son and even let him have lunch dates with Jihyun at work. You wouldn't just let anyone do that y/n. You would of had to like the guy a lot to do anything of the thing." Jennie

I didn't think it was out of liking him so much. I just thought of how Jihyun was feeling about Jungkook. They bonded immediately upon meeting each other and now I know why. They're father and son.

"I have a lot of things to think about."

Jennie frowns to lean forward on the table with her hands spread out.

"What do you mean?" Jennie

I sighed again.

"Jihyun keeps asking to see him. I'm running out of ideas. I-I just don't know if I should let Jihyun see him. It's his father and I have always said if Jihyun wanted to know his father then I would let him but I wouldn't be involved."

"That's totally up to you y/n, that's your decision. But in my opinion I wouldn't do that, he seems unstable." Jennie

I looked down at my fingers in my lap.

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