Chapter 23

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(Four years ago.)

"Dude I'm sure you'll find out who did that to y/n. He can't just get away from something like that." Yoongi

He pats my back as we walk through the woods together. It's been a week since she was raped and I'll never get over how I found her when Jin came to wake me and Jennie up to tell us about y/n and the way they found her. When I saw y/n, i wished I could take her pain away.

She's having a hard time dealing with it and she still hasn't told her parents about it when I begged her to at least tell them if not the police.

But no, she wanted to try and move on with her life and move past it. She doesn't want to think about it ever again and I have no option but to obey her wishes. But that doesn't mean I won't kill the guy when I find out who he is. He has to be someone from our school, he has to be. Why else would he be at the party?

"Well I'm telling you now Yoongi. The day I do is the day I'll kill a man."

He pats my back once more but then up a head just near our hide out we could hear Jin shouting and a few more grunts and swears being tossed around.

Myself and Yoongi exchange looks before running up ahead.

"God damn it Jungkook!! Just tell us what's wrong with you!!" Jin

"Nothings wrong!! Let go of me!!" Jungkook

Namjoon and Taehyung has Jungkook pinned to the floor and Jimin standing to the side holding onto his swollen cheek.

"Jimin did he hit you?"

I asked him and he nods quietly. What the hell?

"Jungkook what the fuck man!!"

"What's going on?" Yoongi

I heard him ask Jin while I watch a angered Jungkook squirming around on the floor kicking and screaming. It's a good thing we're a distance in the woods or we would most likely have someone calling the cops to see what the problem was.

"Jimin confronted him about his weird behaviour this past week and instead of telling us his problem, which he clearly has!!" Jin

"No I don't!!!" Jungkook

"You do!! Shut up!! He punched Jimin in the face!!" Jin

That's not like Jungkook at all.

Actually now to think of it he has been acting not his self.

"Jungkook, just tell us what's wrong with you and everyone will leave you alone."

He starts to laugh like a maniac.

"Dude have you stopped taking your medication again?" Yoongi

"He has. He told me before he hit me." Jimin

"Jungkook why would you do something like that?!" Jin

He continues to laugh and Namjoon and Tae exchange a look of worry as they still have him pinned to the dirt.

"I don't want to be drugged up for the rest of my life!" Jungkook

"But if you don't you'll end up like your dad, you idiot!" Yoongi

His dad is nuts. He was diagnosed with a aggressive personality disorder and Jungkook is turning out just like him. Thankfully his dad was locked away not that long ago and Jungkook's disorder had been recognised before he got worse but with him not taking his medication is not a good thing.

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