Chapter 64

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I had plans for Jungkook today for when he comes home from work. Hobi took me out like he said he would and I did what I needed to do. However I texted Jungkook earlier to tell him to let Hobi take jihyun for the night. He was unsure of it at first and found it suspicious obviously but eventually agreed.

Since Hobi, Mia and Jennie left earlier I started to cook and hide my surprise somewhere he wouldn't notice. I had to hide it good because he notices everything and I mean everything.

Just a few minutes ago I got a text from Hobi saying he picked up Jihyun for me and Jungkook had also just left but I already knew that since Jungkook always texts me before he starts to drive home telling me he's on his way since he can't drive and text. It's dangerous. So he could be home any minute now.

I'm excited yet nervous to show him the surprise. I know he'll love it but his reaction is something I'm just dying to see.

The food was just about done and just in time I heard the door begin to unlock and open signalling that he had just come home. Grinning to myself I left the kitchen as he called my name.

"Y/n? Honey I'm home." Jungkook

His giggle after that was cute and I entered the living room to see him just also walk in to the living room from the opposite door that leads to the front door and hallway.

"Hey Jungkook, how was work?"

I asked him opening my arms to him for a hug which he welcomes by also bringing me in for a hug but shrugged his shoulders also.

"Work was work. Nothing new. What about you? Hobi told me he took you out today." Jungkook

I froze and gasped.


Jungkook chuckled as he rubs my back but then pulls back to cup my face.

"I'm not mad don't worry. I just get worried about you going out and about when I'm not with you. Because you know....the last time...erm...." Jungkook

He looked down to the space between us sadly but I knew what he meant. I kissed his lips softly and took his hands from my face.

"I know what you're saying but it's okay. Hobi, Mia and Jennie never left my side."

I smiled at him reassuringly and he nods also to grow a smile of his own.

"Where did you go anyway? He wouldn't tell me." Jungkook

I giggled and shook my head at him, tugging on his one hand to follow me to the kitchen which he did without question.

"I'm not telling. It's a surprise."

His eyes grew in size with surprise of his one but his brow twitched in wonder. As we entered the kitchen I brought him to the table that was already set out and I pulled out a chair form him to sit.

Jungkook looked at me suspiciously, brow raised and head tilted to the side but then he started to sniff the room and turn around to the cooker.

"Are you cooking? I thought we were going to order pizza tonight?" Jungkook

He turns back to me when he asks, confusion now written all over his face. The truth is this morning I told him I had been craving pizza and we made a deal that we could get a big pizza each and Jihyun a child size pizza to himself and have just a pizza evening. Cheese pizza right now is my go too food.

"Change of plans now sit Jeon."

I pointed at the chair, playful scowl spread across my face but he nodded and laughed at me and sat down like he was told. Once he sat down I felt proud to myself I got the man to sit down without arguing back and started to dish out the food so we could eat.

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