Chapter 42

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"I cant believe you finally kissed him!! I mean about time Y/n, you could cut the tension between you two with a knife. Finally you kissed him!" Jennie

She shook me by the shoulders as I laughed at her reaction to telling her what happened last night between Jungkook and I. Yeah we kissed and he spent the night in my bed but that was all that happened. Jungkook even so much as took Jihyun to day care this morning which was much help since I was worried about the early shift I had this morning.

"Does Mia know of this yet?" Jennie

I shook my head when she lets me go to continue to stacking the shelves with mulit packs of toilet roll.

"Well you should tell her. Text her, tell her how good it felt to finally kiss him Y/n." Jennie

Again she grabbed my upper arms and shook me. I was actually worried in telling her about what happened between Jungkook and I considering mine and Jungkook's history but she's taking this a whole lot better than I thought. It's just Mia I'm more worried about. I mean of course I would tell her, she's one of my best friends but I'm scared of her reaction.

"I will, after work I'll text her just not now. She could be busy with work."

I told Jennie who dropped her hands by her sides and raised a brow in question to what I said.

"You're scared to tell her aren't you?" Jennie

I chuckled picking up a pack of toilet roll from the trolley.

"Am I that obvious?"

She clicked her tongue at me with her hands on her hips.

"Duh, yes. Look Y/n, she's your friend and if your happy then she'll be happy too. In all honesty even after what happened between you two Jungkook doesn't seen that bad it's just his temper gets the best of him. He's scary." Jennie

She shivered at the memory of seeing Jungkook lose himself in his anger when we spoke about Jaehyun. Speaking of Jaehyun his empty car was being lifted this morning. I spoke to one of my neighbours who was in the car park this morning and they told me it had been there all night so she had it lifted since it didn't belong to anyone in the building and no one knew to who it belonged to. I knew who it belonged to but I wasn't going to say anything and Jungkook didn't say anything either. He just ignored the car entirely and dealt with an excited Jihyun who was going into Jungkooks car to day care. I took the notice to see that Jungkook even got Jihyun a car seat for his car so we don't have to switch all the time but I didn't say anything to him about it. It was nice that he did that and Jihyun loved it since it had spider man on it.

I was cut off my thoughts when Jennie nudges me with a smirk on her face.

"You were thinking about him again weren't you?" Jennie

I rolled my eyes and stacked up the packets of toilet roll out the trolley, trying to ignore Jennie since I know she's not going to let this go and tease the hell out of me. I bet she's been waiting for this moment for a log time. It's always been me and Mia teasing her about boys she likes but now I guess after years of having no official boyfriend or guy I really liked I guess it's my turn.

"So Y/n are you sure nothing else happened in that bed last night?" Jennie

She leans against the stock of rolls with a large smirk on her face and a wiggle of her brows. I opened my mouth to speak but shut it again when two people appear behind her with a large yet amused grins on their faces.

"Nothing else happened last night."

She gasped dropping her smirk into a shocked expression and turned around to see Jungkook and Yoongi standing there trying to hold in their laughter. I too was doing the same since now Jungkook can stand there and say nothing happened.

"Oh, er.Hi!" Jennie

"Hello." Jungkook

"Hey sweet cheeks. I must say you suit your pink blushing cheeks." Yoongi

He winks at her and Jennie was quick to excuse herself from embarrassment and walks down the aisle and around the corner but Yoongi wasn't giving up on her just yet and followed her laughing lightly at her reaction.

I watched both of them walk around the corner and I heard Jennie groan out a loud 'STOP IT' I couldn't hold my laughter since I knew by the tone of her voice she wasn't scared or nothing it came out almost in giggle. It must be that Yoongi said something more to tease her.

"I think Yoongi likes Jennie." Jungkook

I heard him say and again turned back to see him smiling at me with his hands in his pockets.

"I think so too but I think she likes him also."

He nods with a pout of his lips, glancing behind me and then back to me again.

"Yeah I could see that. Anyway how are you?" Jungkook

I just shrugged and picked up another packet of toilet roll and Jungkook looks at it as if he just noticed what I was doing.

"Just the same as I was this morning. What about you?"

He also shrugs and picks up a packet of toilet roll to throw it into the air and catch it with both hands.

"I'm good. Actually I came here to speak to you about something." Jungkook

Oh god, he wants to talk to be about the kiss doesn't he?

We didn't talk about it afterwards so does he want to talk about it now? I could feel my cheeks burning at the thought of it. To bring up the kiss all over again I'm sure Jungkook could see my cheeks turning colour but thankfully he says nothing but chuckles and looks down to the floor.

"Oh? W-What about?"

"I was hoping that, well wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me? You know like we did once before." Jungkook

Another date?
I actually really liked the last date we went on, he made it perfect with dinner and then the little set up on a balcony. It was really nice and I don't forget about it at all.

"S-sure is like that."

I nervously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and lowered my gaze the floor. I felt like a school girl being asked out my her crush all over again just like the first time he asked me out.

"Really?! Thank god, I was worried you'd say no." Jungkook

I heard him breath out puff of air in relief and I looked up at him with a giggle when I seen his cute bunny smile.

There was a quick flash that caught both our attention coming from the far end of the aisle behind Jungkook. He quickly spun around and I stepped to the side to see what it was but there was no one there. Weird.

I was about to ask Jungkook if he definitely saw that too even if he did turn around but he didn't walks off in the direction where the flash came from to stand at the end looking in both directions before he disappeared around the corner with balled fists.

I just stood there for a couple seconds waiting for him to come back and he did but with the deepest frown on his face and scratching the top of his head in confusion.

"Did you see that too?" Jungkook

He asks me when he approached me closer and I nod.

"Yeah I saw that but I didn't see anyone."

"Yeah me neither. If I didn't know any better someone took a picture." Jungkook

Again he looks over his shoulder again for one last look and then over my head behind me but then gently smiles at me wiping the frown off his face.

"Well I better get going again and find Yoongi but I'll text you later about our date, is that okay?" Jungkook

I shyly nod and he surprises me with a kiss on the cheek but only for another flash to go off. Jungkook tenses and straighten his composure and spins on his heels in the direction of the flash again and runs off.

"I'll text you later y/n!!!" Jungkook

What the hell was that flashing?
Who's taking pictures of us?

Either way I hope Jungkook catches the person taking pictures of us. It could only be jaehyun but why would he need pictures of the two of us together?

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