Chapter 18

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After reading the DNA results I haven't let it out my grasp. Currently I'm in denial but when I had Hobi and Jungkook pounding on my bathroom door I wanted them to leave, not wanting to talk to them right now, especially Jungkook.

I screamed for them to leave and thankfully jennie and Mia came to my rescue and escorted them out. I'm pretty sure at one Mia slapped on of them when they refused. I knew it had to be her with her shouting and thankfully through out the mess Jihyun didn't wake up. Jungkook must of closed his door and Jihyun would of had to be shattered to be sleeping so heavily. He's like me that way, thank goodness.

After what seemed like forever Mia and Jennie convinced me to come out. They kicked out Hobi and Jungkook for me even without duly knowing what was actually going on and I still have yet to tell them. I'm scared to say it out loud in case I burst, I still haven't cried but again I'm in denial. How can a guy like Jungkook possibly ever do something like that to me?

"Y/n can you please tell us what's going on?" Jennie

"Yeah tell us why? I had to slap Jungkook to get him out. He was really mad, he was like a different person." Mia

"True that. I'm sure he would of hit you back if Hobi didn't shove him out the door before things got worse." Jennie

I was still too numb to say anything, clutching the letter to my chest.

"Is Jihyun still asleep?"

They both nod.

"Yes, I just checked on him. He's sleeping like a baby." Mia

I nod gripping tighter to the letter.

"He's my baby."

I whispered but they both heard it and glanced at each other clearly worried about me.

"Y/n what's that?" Jennie

She pointed at the letter and I sighed. I should explain myself.

"Do you remember how I told you about a guy who told me about jihyuns father?"

The both nod watching me very carefully.

"Well he did a DNA test for me without me asking and post it through my letter box."

I tapped the letter with my pointer finger on the piece of paper.

"That's it?" Mia

I nod.

"Why didn't Hobi and Jungkook want you to see who it was?" Jennie

I held out the letter with a shaky hand.

"See for yourselves."

Jennie slowly took the letter and opened it with Mia leaning in to read it. Their eyes bulged out their heads while Jennie gasped to cover her mouth with her free hand.

"Oh no way!!" Mia

I could only stare to the floor, folding my arms over my chest as if it would protect me in some way.

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