Chapter 63

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A few weeks have come and gone and I just keep getting bigger and bigger. Jungkook loves it but I however get frustrated when I can't even tie my shoes properly by myself anymore. It's frustrating but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Since Jungkook asked me to move in with him and Jihyun too of course. We've been taking turns on where we spend the night. His house or mine until we get our own place. Jungkook has literally dragged me to different places to view and some have been really nice but I don't want anything fancy. I want something simple like a normal every day house in the suburbs and plenty space inside the house and a garden big enough for the kids to play in. There's only been one house like that I really liked but since then there has been no mention of it and we continued to view more houses.

But for the mean time we've been getting ready for the baby coming here in my apartment since we thought it would be too much chaos at the house he shares with everyone and plus Jennie and Mia have been spending a lot more time there too. Two particular guys are the reasons but Jennie won't admit that she goes to see Yoongi and I know she does. She even shares a bed with him when she sleeps over and uses Jihyun and myself for her reason to visits but yet she goes over there when either Jihyun and I aren't even there.

I know this from Mia and Hobi telling me everything. At least Mia admits she goes to see Jin but she's dating him so it's no big secret.

Speaking of those three they were coming around to see me today since I'm cooked up in this apartment. For one it's horrible weather outside and Jungkook made me promise I wouldn't go out because he's very overprotective and seriously calls me every one to two hours while he's at work. I don't mind since it's kind of funny and I miss him too. Jihyun is also at daycare in Jungkooks building. He was missing his friends at daycare so Jungkook took him in. That left me alone but not for lone since my three besties were currently on their way over which could mean any minute they would be knocking on my door.

I was only watching some tv while I wait but my phone rang and I didn't need to look at it to know who it was. Pressing the phone to my ear, eyes glued to the tv did I smile as soon as i heard his voice.

"Hey babe! How are you doing?" Jungkook

"I'm okay just on the couch like I was an hour ago."

I heard his light chuckle and some movement of papers and such from his side of the call.

"Don't worry they should be there soon. Hoseok text me saying he was already on his way so it shouldn't be long." Jungkook

I only hummed but then clicked my fingers when I remembered something. I actually had something to do today but I couldn't tell Jungkook since it was a secret. I'm gonna have to bribe on of those three friends of mine to give me a lift out somewhere.

"What was that? Did you just click your fingers?" Jungkook


He knows I do that when I suddenly remember something.

"N-no. You must of heard that from the tv."

I stuttered and my voice came out squeaky. I scrunched up my nose cursing myself out in my head.

"Y/n what are you up to? You're not going out in this weather are you? There's high winds and it's pouring it down with heavy rain. You better not." Jungkook

A guilty look spread across my face and I was thankful to not be in front of him right now but someone knocked at my door which saved me from this conversation.

"Jungkook I have to go I think everyone's here. I'll talk to you later, bye!"

I hung up on him before he could at another word and just managed to get up from the couch and walk over to the door to unlock it and open it for the very three friends I had been waiting for to come in. However Hobi was on the phone to someone but I welcomed him and said a quiet hello and quick hug just like I did with Jennie and Mia.

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