Chapter 54

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These months without Y/n have been tortuous yet I'm still determined to find her. There are days I feel like I'm losing hope and it'll be me and Jihyun for the rest of our lives but I can't think like that. I just can't.

It's hard to focus on work when my head is just filled with thoughts of Y/n. To where she could be, all the way to my memories I have with her. I want to drink the pain away but I can't do that when I have a little boy who's depending on me more than anything else since his mother is missing. The good side at the moment is that Jihyun is getting use to the fact I'm his dad and everyone in the building knows I'm his father since Jihyun has now decided to start calling me dad. It's heart warming to hear those words from him since I told him that he can call me that whenever he feels comfortable to start doing so, I put no pressure on him.

My mind in flooded with thoughts that it creates a headache that I'm finding hard to bare and sit back in my chair behind my desk with a loud heavy sigh escaping from my lips, running my hands through my hair.

I just want her back but I know it's my father behind all this and he knows how to cover himself and keep hidden. He's done this before with hiding from the law to stay out of that mental asylum but I guess this is what happens when he breaks free and wants me to suffer because I was the one that turned him in as a teen. That's the only thing I could really think of other than the fact he wants me to be like him when I don't want to be. I can be the better man and I will be for my son, for Y/n. I'll be nothing like my father even if I did kill Jaehyun with my bare hands as if I were my father but that was to protect the ones I love. Not just for the thrill and games of it despite the rush I felt for it but only would I ever do that again if I really needed to and right now, as far as I'm concerned, the moment I lay my eyes on my father he's a dead man. He has no idea who he's fucking with.

I groan to myself in frustration and lift my head off my chair to look at my watch on my wrist. It's about noon now, lunch time.

I stood up and straighten my suit before leaving the office and fixing my messy hair. I may be suffering on the inside but I can't show that to my employees. They can't know of what is going on with me and see their boss as weak so despite my pain inside I put on a fake face which is most of the time just blank so I don't show any emotions at all.

Leaving my office did I have one place in mind and that is the day care. Everyday while I'm at work, I take Jihyun out of the day care myself and bring him to my office to have lunch together. It's home made lunch that I make personally, not even Jin can make the food because I'm on high alert meaning I trust no one when it comes to myself and my son. I check on him every hour in the day care no matter what I'm doing and I have security cameras watching him at all times. I stream the live feed from my computer as I'm working that way I know what he is doing and who he's around. If anyone seems suspicious to me then I'm there as fast as I can to ask questions, no thought about it.

Standing in the elevator tapping my foot impatiently, watching the floor numbers go down slowly was painfully too slow for my liking but nothing could be done about that.

The elevator came to a stop and I groaned in frustration that the elevator had to stop. I stepped back when the doors opened and in stepped a surprised Hoseok, smiling at me but it's not his bright smile, it's just more out of politeness.

"Oh, Jungkook? Going to get Jihyun?" Hoseok

I nod with a hum because I was in no mood to speak right now. Hoseok came to stand beside me and also press on the ground floor button and then stand with his hands behind his back, humming a sad tune that matches how he feels.

Hoseok is usually bright and shows his happy side but since Y/n is missing he too is suffering because Hoseok and Y/n are very close, so close that sometimes it even makes me jealous but I say nothing because I know it's nothing but friendship between them. It's like they're brother and sister really and I admire that between them.

"Can I come and see Jihyun with you please Jungkook? Just to see his face since I didn't see him this morning." Hoseok

I looked at him and I could see his sadness in his eyes all over again also with his plea evident in them. This morning Hoseok didn't see Jihyun because he had to leave early due to a meeting with a client of ours and Hoseok finds more Joy in spend time with Jihyun just like Mia and Jennie. I think the three of them spend as much time as they can with him because it's also a sense of being the closest thing to Y/n that they can get and I know exactly how that feels. Even if my son looks more like me, he's still apart of his mother and it is the closest thing to her that any of us can get right now.

"Yeah that's fine. You can join us for lunch if you want too? Just grab something to eat and come to my office."

I forced at smile and I could tell he forced one too out of appreciation and patted my shoulder gratefully.

"Thank you. I'll do that." Hoseok

I only nodded and went back to watching the floor numbers change until finally we reached the bottom floor. I stepped out as quickly as I could, reminding Hoseok to come to my office and I'll meet him there with Jihyun and then proceeded to walk towards the day care my son was in, most likely waiting for me just like he was yesterday and the day before that.

Quickly speed walking a long the long corridor did I then walk around the sharp corner but only to come to a stop when I seen a familiar woman standing by the day cares door but with where she was positioned she would of been standing in front of the large window beside it that allowed others to peer inside the room.

I never seen this woman around the building before and she looked suspicious to me. Her blonde hair flowed down her back and her black heels most likely making her a lot taller than she appeared to me and not to mention her designer clothes that she was wearing, I knew she wasn't from here, she couldn't be.

So without much thought I marched over to her as she didn't notice me coming because of how fast I ran up to her. I literally ran to her because my son is in there and I don't know if she works for my dad or not.

I came to stand behind her and stared at the back of her head with a glare. I didn't say anything to her but it seems like I didn't need to as she gasped and quickly turns around with widen eyes and pressed her back against the window.

I stared at her features, she okay looking just a little plain looking if you ask me but the longer I stared at her the more I started to feel like I've seen her before.

"Who are you?"

I asked her dangerously slow trying to keep my cool but also not touch her in case she is just some woman looking in harmlessly. The last thing I need is some sort of lawsuit against me for touching a woman the wrong way.

The woman blinks at me for a minute but slowly does she relax and drop her shoulders that were once stiff and begins to smile at me with a tilt of the head.

"Don't you recognise me Jungkook?" ??

I frowned at her. I had no clue who she was and I was a little surprised how she knew my first name. Not a lot of people in this building do know my first name, I'm mostly called Mr Jeon in this place by others that I'm not close to.

"Let me give you a hint. I have twin brother." ??

The moment she said that everything came to me and I finally noticed who she was by looking into her eyes, that I know also notice resembled the same ones as Jaehyun when I drained the life from him.

My eyes widen which quickly turned to rage, and I stepped one step closer to her and grabbed her upper right arm to yank her towards myself colliding into my chest as she hisses at the pain of my grasp. But I don't care if she's in pain, she deserves it and more for working with my father and as much as I'd love to destroy her right now I cant because there is children on the other side of the window so I keep that urge at bay but instead I chuckle darkly at her which causes her to shiver in reaction.

I bent down to her ear and smirked to myself as I whisper words in her ear that makes her gasp in shock to what I just told her.

"You made a big mistake in coming here, Yeri."

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