Chapter 36

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I've got to say yesterday when Jungkook picked Jihyun up for me it was a massive help and I was very grateful. It helped a lot is all I can say except for the fact he's made me feel really giddy every time I think of him. I like talking to him, spending time with him.

It's weird though considering our circumstances and everything that has happened between us but yet I've found myself no longer hating Jungkook. Actually I don't think I hated him even finding out just more upset and disappointed that he was the one that raped me. But that's in the past now, I've decided to put that behind me. The focus now is mainly on why Yeri drugged Jungkook at the party. She had no reason to do why?

I think about this all the time now, my thoughts are always surrounded with clouds of Jungkook or my son. It use to be just Jihyun but now Jungkook is int he mixture and I can't help but think I'm starting to fall for him, hard.

So that leads me to walking to Jungkooks office this morning. I had the day off work and so here I am with Jihyun in the elevator to see Jungkook if he's not busy. My excuse is to thank him for yesterday when I'm reality I could just call him or text him but I really wanted to see him and hopefully he doesn't see through my excuse.

Jihyun was of course excited to see Jungkook and it's got me thinking that if Jungkook and I are okay with how things are between us, maybe soon we could tell Jihyun that Jungkook is his dad. I mean he's still young enough to accept it and he loves Jungkook already so there should be no harm of it right?

I think about this watching Jihyun pick at something in his pockets. He's snuck something into his pocket before we left and says it's something he wants to give Jungkook. Something that will make him happy and he's so excited to give it to him but won't show me what it is.

The elevator pings as we stop on Jungkooks top floor and Jihyun of course runs out the elevator without even waiting for me. Thankfully the office door was already open and right in front of the elevator doors.

"Kookie!!!" Jihyun

I chuckled walking along after him watching my son just run into the office without knocking. I heard Jungkook gasp loudly because I didn't tell him we were coming and then laughter coming from his office as I approached the door and walked in.

Though the smile on my face dropped when I seen Jungkook in his office with a woman alone. He's not alone now because now he holds Jihyun in his arms smiling widely at the boy and then at me.

"Y/n this was a pleasant surprise." Jungkook

He laughs but I couldn't help but watch the woman who was actually very beautiful waving at Jihyun who turned into a little by boy hiding his face in Jungkooks chest. I faked a smile and walked towards the three standing by the large windows.

"I just wanted to come by and say thank you for helping me with Jihyun yesterday but we can come back if you're busy?"

I looked at Jungkook who confusingly frowns at me but then follows my line of sight at the woman who now only seemed to have acknowledged my existence in the room.

"Oh! Y/n this is Chaewon. She was just helping me some paper work but we're finished right chaewon?" Jungkook

He looks at her and she nods without saying planting a fake smile on her face just as I was. I got the impression she didn't like me interrupting them discussing whatever it was they were talking about as I was to see her in here the first place.

"Yes we're finished Mr Jeon. Just give me a call if you need any further help. Excuse me." Chaewon

She brushed her long brown hair over shoulder turning in my direction to glare at me as she walks out the office finally allowing me to relax. I didn't like the way she was looking at me but I was probably no different.

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