Chapter 62

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I was excited to come back to my own home for the first time in months. I was surprised that I still had this apartment and not evicted yet but Jungkook said he dealt with my rent and spoke to my landlord and it's all good.

He was taking Jihyun and I back to the apartment tonight. It's about time we came back anyway and don't get me wrong I love staying with everyone but I just missed my own space in my apartment. The last time I was here I left to go on my date with Jungkook and now here I am months later walking back in like nothing changed except when I left I wasn't pregnant but now I am and half way thought it may I add.

Jihyun was pretty excited about it too. He missed his spider man bed and that led to a deep discussion between Jihyun and Jungkook about who was the best superhero between iron man and spider man. It went on and on the whole car journey back home and at first it was pretty funny but both being as stubborn as each other I had to tell them to stop. It was getting too much and I was getting tired already and Jihyun had yet to have dinner.

When we reached my apartment I unlocked it after Jungkook gave me the keys and stepped inside the apartment that straight away felt like home. Jihyun ran straight in with giggles and right into his room.

I just walked into the living room and spun in my heels to lay down on the couch with a long loud sigh in relief to be home.

Closing my eyes I heard Jungkook close the door behind him and come into the living room to join me.

"I didn't think living with us was that bad." Jungkook

He chuckled through his own statement but I shook my head with my eyes still closed when Jungkook sat beside my legs but also picked up my ankles to set them down on his lap.

"It's not that it's just nice to be home with my own comforts."

Jungkook hummed in response and I felt his hand rest gently on my bump rubbing soothing circles, something he's made a habit of doing lately. When ever we're near each other his hand is always there, it's comforting and yet new. I didn't have anyone to do these type of things when I was pregnant with Jihyun. It's nice either way, I'm not complaining.

With the silence in the room and the soothing actions of Jungkooks hand I was drifting off to sleep already but jihyuns loud voice woke me up shooting my eyes wide open.

"Mommy! Daddy!! Can I have a bath?!" Jihyun

A smile crept up on my face and Jungkook threw his head back laughing at his sons random request.

"Sure buddy I'll make it for you in just a minute okay?" Jungkook

"Okay!" Jihyun

Again Jihyun ran out the room and I took a deep breath in and out, feeling relaxed with sitting the same laying position and Jungkooks hand on my belly.

"Are you still going to stay with us tonight?"

"Well yeah! I don't think I can bare a night with out the both of you since I've grown so use to having you both around so much. It's bad enough when I'm at work and you're not around." Jungkook

I giggled and propped myself up on my elbows just to meet Jungkooks soft eyes smiling back at me.

"That's true I suppose."

Jungkook winked at me and that only made me blush and himself to laugh lightly at my reaction.

"I can a question for you y/n." Jungkook

My eyes lit up and I tilted my head to the side in question.

"Oh? What is it?"

"Well it's a long shot but if I were to find my one place would you and Jihyun move in with me? With the baby of course." Jungkook

That would be obvious but I was taken back by his question and for some reason I ended up tearing up at th thought he would want to live with me permanently. I was touched and I really wanted to live with him as a couple, like a family with our two kids. I couldn't bring up the words and Jungkook suddenly dropped his smile and pulled me up carefully by my arms and into his embrace.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. It's okay if you don't want to." Jungkook

I shook my head that was buried into his chest and I wiped my eyes slight frustrated with myself that I burst into tears.

"No it's not that it's just, I didn't....I thought you....Yes I would love to move in with you."

Finally being able to speak out loud and not blubber like a baby. Jungkook chuckles and leans his chin on the top of my head keeping me pressed against his side and chest.

"Thank god. I thought for a minute you didn't want to." Jungkook

Now that my tears had settled I was able to speak more calmer.

"No I would love to, it's just I think I only cried because I was overwhelmed with happiness. That use to happen sometimes when I was pregnant with Jihyun. Hormones or something."

I smiled to myself sniffing and wiping my nose with the back of my hand even if there was nothing there to wipe it's just out of habit when I cry.

"I should of guess that. I'll remember that for next time then." Jungkook

I nodded and Jihyun came running back into the living room holding a Spider-Man action figure and an iron man action figure. Jihyun stood by the door with a massive grin on his face, the same bunny smile that Jungkook pulls off when he's up to something. This made Jungkook squint his eyes at his son, knowing this look too well.

"What are you up to?" Jungkook

Jihyun giggles and bashes the two action figures together as if pretending to have them fight and then drops the iron man figure to the ground just to squat down make his spider man figure pretend to jump on the irons mans stomach.

Jungkook gasped loudly, removing his arms from around me but Jihyun seeing Jungkooks reaction he started to laugh menacingly and this only made me start to laugh.

All it took was Jungkook to stand up from the couch and Jihyun bolted from the door laughing and squealing in excitement. Jungkook threw his head back laughing and chanced after Jihyun but I heard a door slam shut and pounding in the door as I laughed my ass off.

"Open the door and face your father like a man!" Jungkook

"No! I no man! I'm a boy!" Jihyun

I laughed harder knowing he had a point.

"Just face facts Jihyun iron man is better than spider man!" Jungkook

He pounded on the door again but stopped when Jihyun shouted again.

"Eat my shorts!" Jihyun

My eyes widen in surprise. I never heard him say that before but I had a feeling I knew who could if taught him that without the curse. The bedroom door opened and I got up to see what was going to happen. I just caught a glimpse of Jungkook storming into the bedroom but this only made Jihyun squeal louder and laugh.

"Say that again! I dare you!" Jungkook

He shouted through laughter and when I came to the bedroom door just to see what was going on, Jungkook had Jihyun pinned to the floor tickling him all over his body. Jihyun was laughing and rolling around trying to get out of Jungkooks tickles but it was no use, he was stuck.

This sight melted me on the inside. A precious moment between father and son. Just watching this gives me more confirmation that Jungkook is not like his father that he thinks he is.

He's an amazing dad to Jihyun and I'm sure he'll be the same to this new baby coming. I just know it.

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