Chapter 25

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I'm very excited about today.

When Jin told me that y/n asked him to take Jihyun to me for supervised visits, I was so happy. I've been bouncing off the walls all week.

But to be honest I was a little disappointed she wouldn't be doing the picking up and dropping off herself. I don't blame her reasons either, I just can't help it.

I would like to see her more, it's selfish of me but I do. I stick by my words that I told everyone that's known me, y/n is mine. She always has been and always will be.

My plans to make her fall in love with me we're ruined by my mistake and just when I thought I might have the chance to be able to try again, my darkest secret came out and ruined it all over again.

I always get what I want, and I will have y/ns heart one day.

Jin informed me that I can see Jihyun every Saturday for a couple hours from 12 to 4 and that's perfectly okay with me, for now.

So right now all I can do right now is wait with anticipation in my living room.

It felt like forever just waiting, but when I heard the front door open and the sound of little running feet coming my way and fast I sprung up from the sofa and saw the little guy running to me with open arms.


I laughed at his cuteness and squatted down to embrace him into my arms and pull him close to me. I don't ever want to let him go, he's my little guy after all.

Holding his tiny body to mine, was just everything to me, more than he could ever know. I couldn't stop smiling at him but that soon changed when I saw Y/ns friend, Mia walk in through the front door with Jin right behind her.

I glared at her and then at Jin.

"What are you doing here?"

I tried not to sound so angry right now, I didn't want to upset my son and let's just say myself and Mia do no get on. She smirked at me, and crossed her arms over her chest while Jin stood beside her with his arms around her shoulders.

"Mia came with me because Jihyun doesn't know me that well yet, so to make him feel more comfortable I asked Mia to come with me. I wanted to show her the place." Jin

Damn the fact we all live together!!

I rolled my eyes and ignored Mia completely. She maybe be y/ns best friend and has helped out the two people I love the most in the world but that doesn't mean I like her. She spoke the truth to me and I hated her for it.

I placed Jihyun back down to the floor so he could stand and took his hand instead. His little doe eyes sparkled as he looked up at me, like they always have done since I seen him for the first time since he was born.

"What are we going to do kookie?!" Jihyun

Oh god I wish I could tell him I'm his father so he could call me dad.

"Well what about baking some cakes in the kitchen and then we can watch a movie together?"

It doesn't sound like much but now that I know I can see him on Saturdays I will definitely be buying new toys and things for him to while hes here. In fact I think I'll ask Jin to ask y/n if I can take him to the funfair next week. I would ask her myself but she's changed her number, so I wouldn't be able to ask her.

Jihyun cheered and started to shake my hand with all his excitement. He told me he likes to bake and sometimes does things like that with y/n, so I knew he'd like the baking idea. I laughed at his little outburst and guided him to the kitchen. I was thankful Jin and Mia didn't follow us, I mean yeah supervised but that wouldn't mean that Jin would have to follow me around the house would it?

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