Chapter 37

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I didn't want Y/n or Jihyun to go just yet. I wanted them to stay with me for the rest of the day, hell I'd even be willing to take another early leave it's not like I'm busy today anyway.

I couldn't take my eyes off Y/n as I watched her leave with our son. Checking her out from behind, looking up her body I couldn't help think of dirty thought, I'm a man after all. There's no harm in looking.


My thoughts were cut off with Jin calling my name and waving his hand in front of my face to which I swatted away.


"Like I said we need to talk to you about something." Jin


I responded back, walking to my desk to take a seat and causally sit back comfortably looking at Jin as the three walked further into my office. Jin and Namjoon both stayed stood up where as Yoongi took up a seat on my couch.

"I went on a date with Yeri's cousin last night. She told me some interesting things." Namjoon

I nodded, I had a strong feeling this is what this was going to be about and I don't like talking about it as it is, but I want my vengeance and to find the reason to why she would do this to me, to Y/n too. Yes, I was the one drugged but with the affects it gave me it messed with my mind and I did something unthinkable. Now that I'm on my right medication and I haven't been drugged I would never think of doing such a thing with her again or anyone for that matter.


I pressed my lips together, staring at the yellow car that Jihyun had brought me. I don't want to get into a foul mood by talking about this so I'll look at the car in hopes it keeps my anger at bay.

"It so happens that Yeri works at the townhouse bar just three blocks away from here. Jaehyun had apparently been going there more often than he use to but Selugi doesn't know why except to speak with Yeri." Namjoon

"Well she works very close then. I haven't seen her there before. That's where I go to get some drinks, I'm surprised she hasn't tried to drug me again."

I laughed bitterly and Yoongi too laughs from his seat.

"Yoongi this is not funny." Jin

"I didn't think it was but the thought of Jungkook and I being frequent visitors

to that place and non of us have seen Yeri working there before is amusing." Yoongi

Jin groans and I look up to see him shaking his head with his hands on his hips while Namjoon seemed deep in thought staring at something in my desk.

"Maybe because she didn't want any of you to see her she would of stayed in the back." Namjoon

"That's very true." Yoongi

"Anyway! There's more, tell him Namjoon." Jin

He pushed Namjoons shoulder lightly and I looked at Namjoon expectedly waiting for what ever more he has to tell me about this when really I don't want to know much about this other than why and who was the one that forced Yeri or whatever to drug me for whatever reason.

"Anyway she said that Yeri even in school has always had a spending problem and she found this guy that would pay her to do things for him. Apparently it was a rich, old guy but Selugi didn't know anymore than that." Namjoon

An old rich guy?

But what rich old guy would have a problem with me at eighteen years old?


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