Chapter 3

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Today was my day off work, which meant no day care for Jihyun and the day Hobi finally meets my son. I told Jihyun about it and he's super excited to finally meet him the man from the pictures and stories. I still think he's hoping that Hobi will turn out to be his dad but I know that's not the case. It can't be Hobi I would of known straight away by the voice of that monster.

Jihyun was currently napping so it gave me the chance to tidy up a little bit. The living room was covered in toys since last night Jihyun didn't sleep much again from his nightmares and we played in the living room since their was more space. It's starting to become a recurring thing with his nightmares but maybe he'll grow out of it. He doesn't like talking about what he dreams about but I won't push him to tell me.

The door bell rings so I quickly go to answer it. I know who it'll be based on the time but Jihyun was still sleeping because of his lack of sleep last night. Opening the door I was greeted to hug from Hobi of course. Jimin and Jungkook stood behind him, waiting to be invited in. After pulling away from him I gestured for them to come in. They didn't need to be told twice and walked in, but Jungkook barged past Hobi and Jimin to get to the living room first.

Both Jimin and Hobi took up seats on the sofa quietly while Jungkook was spinning in circles looking around the place, I felt like he was judging the place but didn't say anything about it.

"Where's Jihyun?" Hobi

He looked up at me from the sofa as I picked up the last toy car that was still on the carpeted floor. I felt a little more at ease now that Jungkook decided to sit down.

"He's still sleeping, he had a nightmare last night so he didn't get much sleep."

"Aw poor baby." Jimin

He pouted like a child which made me smile at him.

"Would anyone like something to drink?"

I search around the room to the three mens faces. Hobi was nodding and Jimin stuck up his hand.

"Me please. Could I have some coffee please?" Jimin

"Me too." Hobi

"Of course, I'll be right back."

I turned away from them to walk to the kitchen in the next room.

"I'll help you." Jungkook

He insisted but I shook my head at him.

"No no. It's okay I'll be fine."

He ignored me anyway with a smile and still walked towards me until he stood in front.

"I insist." Jungkook

He gestured to lead the way so I smiled back at him and turned away to walk to the kitchen with Jungkook close behind. Hobi and Jimin started whispering but they were too quiet for me to hear what they were saying. The first thing I did was fill up the kettle and then turn it on to boil, it was an electric one so it wouldn't take long. Next I took out the cups from the upper cupboard all the while feeling Jungkook's eyes on the back of my head until I could feel him come closer to my back.

"What could I do to help?" Jungkook

I thought for a moment, there was really nothing he could do to help makes the coffee's but there was something I know I would need to do before Jihyun wakes up.

"You could make Jihyun something to drink first, if it's not too much to ask."

I didn't know if he would or not but he insisted on helping.

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