Chapter 52

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Three months.

It's been three months since I've seen my son, seen Jungkook or anyone that I care about. It's driving me insane being here and I hate everything about it. I just want to go home instead of being in this room almost all day except for the time that Yeri would take me out of here to force me to eat something with Mr Jeon, Jungkooks father who still hasn't explained to me why I'm even here. The only thing I know is that so it could be for Jungkook to come looking for me and I know he will or has been it's just finding me is the problem.

Truth is that even I don't know where I am. This big house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees, I don't even know where I am so how could Jungkook possibly find out where I am or anyone else for that matter.

I'm starting to slowly give up on being found. I cry every night for my son, I just to see him again. Tell him I love him and never again will I leave him alone. I know he wont actually be alone, either Jennie or Mia would of taken care of him or even Jungkook. Yes, Jungkook, I think he would, no actually I know he would of taken Jihyun in and I think that's best. We can't have Mr Jeon getting his hands on Jihyun if he suddenly comes up with that in mind.

No I wouldn't allow that so I know that my son is safe with Jungkook.

I've been so stressed lately that I can't seem to be able to keep my food down or just anything. It's horrible throwing up every single day and I spend most of my time in the bathroom these days. For the last month or so this has been happening but I'm so stressed that I want to go home, it's been affecting my health. Also to mention my period is late, like since I've been in here I haven't even has my period and it's very much late but again I put that down to stress. Jennie once told me when she gets stressed she misses her periods sometimes. I just hope that is my case and not the result of the fact I couldn't get the morning after pill because I was forced here instead. I hope not because there is no telling for how long I'm going to be in here.

I just hope to god I'm not pregnant, it's the last thing I need right now.

As I was hunched over the toilet after puking my guts up again I heard my bedroom door open but I don't bother to move. I could tell by the steps of someone wearing heels that it's Yeri that has come in to for god knows what know.

I flushed the toilet and turned around while seated on the floor to glare up at the woman that now stands at the bathroom door with a raised brow and crossed arms against her chest.

"Throwing up again?" Yeri

I just roll my eyes and push myself up to stand and walk over to the counter to washing my hands and face. I need something to refresh myself after throwing up even if the sickly feeling is still there.

"Okay whatever then. Mr Jeon requires you to join him for dinner. You have ten minutes and I'll be right back to take you too him. Don't take too long this time. You know how he gets." Yeri

I didn't say anything to her but stare at her blankly in the reflection in the mirror. She only stares at me blankly for a few moments before she scoffs to then walk away and leave the bedroom all together. I sighed to myself and quickly brushed my teeth before leaving the bathroom to change my clothes from pjs that I have been wearing all day.

I know I can't take too long as the last time I refused to eat with Mr Jeon he throw a fit and barged into my room and so much as to flip my bed over against the wall and throw a chair just to shout at me for not doing as I'm told. So since then I joined him at meal times when he requests me to do so with no trouble. I don't want to witness that again, that man is crazy.

Just like Yeri said, ten minutes later she again just walked into my room without knocking because she never does. Then she escorted me to the dining room of the large house all the while I could feel like she was checking me up and down and giving me weird looks but every time I caught her she would look away and pretend she wasn't. Weird, but yet I didn't say anything.

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